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katara5683 requested Brother by Kodaline

Third person pov

When we were young we were the ones

When Dabi first met Harper Rye, he wasn't sure what to think. She'd shown up on his doorstep out of the blue, with ice cream and a pessimistic disposition. He'd been too shocked to tell her to go away. She'd wormed her way into his life with minimal effort. He had trouble remembering what things felt like before becoming acquainted with her and her little makeshift family she'd somehow managed to construct. Made up of a Detective, a cop, an ex-villain, and one of her classmates, who seemed to be smitten with her. Oddly enough, Dabi fit right in.

It became clear just moments after meeting Harper Rye that her life was not all that it seemed. Somehow, the brunette seemed to ride above it all. It was obvious to him that she had some sort of upper hand in every situation. This girl knew things. She could read people like they were open books, even if they quite clearly weren't. Taking her by surprise appeared impossibly, and she took almost everything in stride as though it were nothing at all. It was almost inspiring, but it also rose a lot of questions.

The Kings and Queens oh yeah, we ruled the world

She seemed to be at the center of everything, fighting her way to the top of every issue, including his. He'd needed a job. Teetering on the edge of total villainy, Dabi had been close to the border. A line he'd worked hard to never cross, but would if it meant he'd survive. He refused to die before his father. He had so much pent up rage and bitterness all just waiting to burst forth from him. He hated the system, and how judgemental everyone was towards him despite how diverse society was these days.

We smoke cigars man no regrets

Then came in Harper, cracking him open like one would crack open an egg. One little tap was all it took for his shell to break, and everything inside to come spilling out and into the open. Her quirk made everything make sense. He thought he would've been more mad, with her pervading his mind, but she couldn't control it. And it helped. He'd never been good with putting what he wanted to say into words. This way, he didn't have to. She always knew. She knew when he was upset, or needed a break. When he was in a good mood or a bad one. What he needed and when.

She didn't know him, but she'd help him. She catered to everyone's needs at once, tweaking the environment and steering both conversation and activities. He was included in this. It was amazing to see. To know that she cared enough about how he felt and about what he was thinking to drastically change up her life in such a manner. His heart swelled. He found himself more willing to talk to other people. He watched movies with Tsukauchi, Sansa, Harper and Kurogiri. He joined in board games, and helped cook.

Wish I could relive every single word

He relished it all. Never had he been so content. He had a job, and a group of people he could easily call friends. Tsukauchi couldn't read minds, but he'd grown to know Dabi. He knew what foods he liked, and how he liked his coffee. He knew the man's favorite color, and his favorite movies. They were little things, but they mattered. Sansa was the same way. He recognized that Dabi seemed to like jokes about shitty dads, and would make an effort to slide one or two good ones in so he could have a chuckle. He knew what songs Dabi didn't like on his playlist, and deleted them off without a word.

Kurogiri was weird. He was like a child, but Dabi couldn't imagine him any other way. He assured Dabi that they were friends everyday. Dabi would never tell the ex-villain, but it was what he needed to hear. He doubted himself and how much people enjoyed his company. He was sort of a piece of shit. In a lot of ways, he couldn't really see how people could like him as a person. But Kurogiri seemed to, and he told Dabi everyone else did as well. Dabi chose to believe him.

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