Chapter 5

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Let me just say.... THIS PICTURE HAS ME DEAD!! XD ^^^^^

Now that I have died a little, lets continue onto the chapter!

~In the morning with our wizards~

Midnight walks into the room where the girls are sleeping. She stares at them sleeping so peacefully and can't help but to smile at the sight. 'They have literally been ripped from their world and they still sleep so peacefully as if they aren't scared. These kids are unbelievably strong. I will do everything I can to help them find a way back home.' Midnight thought to herself.

"LUCY, WENDY, CARLA IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP" Midnight shouts at the top of her lungs. Wendy and Lucy fly awake and assume a fighting stance.

The girls relax once they realize they are not under attack. "Sorry about that Midnight, we are a little on edge with everything going on." the dragon slayer apologizes, flustered and embarrassed by the scene they had just caused.

Midnights laughs "It's no problem girls. I thought it was strange how well you were taking the situation that you are in. I know it is hard for you. It's time to get ready for school though so let's get to it. I convinced Aizawa to make it a half day for your class so that I can take you shopping later! It is time to teach you the ways of the modern teenage girl!" she says with sparkling eyes. Lucy and Wendy look at each other thinking the same thing,'She is way too excited about this'. They start getting ready for the day looking forward to their new role as a High School student.

~Time skip to the front of school~

Todoroki was walking to school when he noticed a certain explosion boy walking ahead of him. 'I am going to regret this, but I want to know his opinion about those new girls' he thought to himself while remembering how aggressive this guy was. "Bakugo, I want to ask you something" he called out catching his attention. Bakugo turned around with the most pissed off look on his face. "THE FUCK YOU WANT HALF N' HALF BASTARD" he screams at Todoroki.

"I want to know what you think of those girls from yesterday." he says plainly. Bakugo scoffs thinking about Wendy and noticed his heart beating a little faster. "Who gives a fuck about those extras. They have weird quirks, but I will blow them to bits, especially that fucking blonde bitch. They will not surpass me, I will be the number one hero!" he replies.

Todoroki decided to be honest about his thoughts even if it pissed Bakugo off. "I find Lucy especially interesting. She is strong and she is so nice at the same time. We got answers about what happened yesterday, but I don't buy it. It seemed like a made up story to me. I want to know what is really going on... I wonder if the teachers know the truth."

Bakugo looks at Todoroki in bewilderment. "I can't believe this, but I actually agree with your dumbass. They are definitely hiding something and I intend to find out what the fuck it is." he said this with an extremely angry aura that almost frightened Todoroki.

They reach the school gates and noticed the girls walking with Midnight. Wendy was carrying Carla and they were entering the school. Bakugo and Todoroki exchanged a look. "Since when do they know Midnight? I say we should spy on them. Maybe we will find out what is going on." Todoroki suggested. Bakugo gave an almost evil grin."You know what Half N' Half bastard, your idea actually isn't a pile of shit. Let's do it."

Wendy who was walking beside Lucy and Midnight just smirked. 'They don't realize that I heard them with my dragon hearing. So they want to spy on us and figure out our secret huh? I will have to tell Lucy about this later.' Wendy continued walking as if she has no idea what the boys had just said.

Making sure they were undetected (or so they thought), Bakugo and Todoroki followed Midnight, Lucy, and Wendy into the school. Trailing a 'safe' distance behind them down the hall towards class 1-A. They stopped in front of the doors, the hallway practically empty. Bakugo and Todoroki stopped at the end of the hallway and listened to their conversation making sure they wouldn't be seen.

"Okay ladies, are you ready for your very first day of school? I still find it hard to believe you don't have schools where you are from. How do you learn?!" Midnight asks the girls. Lucy giggles at Midnights question. "Well, I love books and I read a lot. I am definitely not the smartest in the guild, but I would say that books teach us everything we need to know." Wendy nods in agreement.

"What is a guild?" Todoroki asks Bakugo. "The fuck if I know IcyHot" he mumbles back. They turn their attention back to the girls. Midnight claps her hands together in excitement. "Well remember to come find me at the teachers lounge after class so we can go to the mall. I don't know what shopping is like for you, but from what you have told me, your lives are completely different from this world. I have my work cut out with you two, but I think we will have so much fun!" Lucy and Wendy chuckle at Midnight. "I look forward to learning from you Midnight, I am so excited to learn all about this place! I want to make the most of our time here!" Wendy replies.

Midnight ruffles her hair and smiles. "You two really are the bravest young women I have ever met. You will fit right in around here, I am sure of it. I need to go now, so go on in. See you two later!" They watch as she walks off. Lucy then turns Wendy and they smile at each other before walking into the classroom.

Bakugo and Todoroki step out into the now empty hallway before turning to each other. "Well that was suspicious as fuck. We were right, those two ARE hiding something." Bakugo says. Todoroki nods in agreement. "Yeah, and from the looks of it, the teachers know what is going on to. So at least we know that they aren't spies or something." Bakugo scoffs. "Of course they weren't spies you fucking idiot. I still intend to figure out what those two are hiding though." Bakugo then storms off into the classroom without another word to Todoroki.

Still in the hallway, Todoroki just sighs and heads into the classroom. He glances at Lucy who is talking with Wendy, Ochako, Hagakure, and Ashido. She notices him walk into the room and looks his way. Their eyes lock and she smiles brightly at him. He feels heat start rising to his cheeks and his heart starts beating faster. 'How does she does this to me? Just what is it about her that makes me so drawn to her?' He nods his head to acknowledge her and walks to his seat.

Bakugo is sitting at his desk when Wendy walks up to him. He looks up at her with his signature scowl. "The fuck you want tiny?" he growls, mocking how small Wendy is. Wendy is clearly bothered by his comment, but she just brushed it off and faced him with a confident look in her eyes which Bakugo wasn't expecting. "I heard that you were the one that carried me to Recovery Girl's office after that big fight yesterday. I wanted to say thank you. Also, it wouldn't kill you to smile and be nice every once in a while." She then turns away from him and walks away.

Bakugo is slightly in shock from the display of confidence that Wendy showed. His heart was beating faster and a slight blush flushed his cheeks. "THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO-" he was cut off by Mr. Aizawa "It's time to start class so sit down and be quiet." he says in his bored tone. Bakugo sits down, but replays what Wendy said to him over and over again. 'She has some guts for somebody who is so small. She really is something'. Bakugo wouldn't admit it to himself, but the dragon slayer really made an impression on him. She caught his eye and he wanted to learn more about her.

Lucy took her seat next to Wendy in the back. She couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Todoroki. 'He is really handsome, I am drawn to his multicolored eyes. I don't think a guy has ever caught my interest like this before. So what is so special about him? He seems kinda cold. Reminds me a lot of Gray in a way.' Lucy thought to herself. 'I am making myself a promise. I am going to break through his walls and we will become friends.' Happy with her decision, she smiles to herself before directing her attention to Mr. Aizawa.

Wendy saw Lucy smile. 'I wonder what has her so happy. I saw her looking at Todoroki. I will have to ask her about it later.' Wendy then looked at Bakugo. 'He may seem like a jerk, but I believe that he has a kind heart. He did help me after all, plus his scent smells a lot like caramel and I find it almost irresistible.' she hid a small smile. She would be a liar if she tried to say that she didn't find him attractive. 'I will make him open up to me. I will expose the kind heart that I know he has!' She turned her attention towards the front as well.

And so started Wendy and Lucy's first official day of school.

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