~Chapter 9~ Prince Ralis of the Zoras

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My hands trembled as the Zora patrols carried me upstream. I didn't know why, as Ralis and I were good friends, despite the fact I hadn't seen him in three years.

At last, we arrived in the Zora Throne Room. I admired the crystalline walls, and the clear water. This place was truly breathtaking.

Two Zoras stood by Ralis's throne, guarding him. So typical to protect a royal like that.

Imagine how many Zoras stood by Queen Rutela, I thought, and that did her no good whatsoever.

After standing me directly in front of the intricate chair of honor, I froze. What was I supposed to say? "Hey, Ralis, you have Sage blood in you and you need to help seal away the others"?

The two escorts dove back into the water and swam down the waterfall, back to the village below. My hand flew to the purse around my leg, where I'd stored the Sages' Ocarina.

Ralis asked, "Ilia, why are you here?"

I undid my pouch and extracted the flute quickly. "Well, a friend sent me here to play a song for you. A serenade, actually," I answered. I hadn't realized how funny that sounded.

Prince Ralis laughed. "You're going to serenade me?"

A giggle escaped my lips. "Of course! Now listen."

I put the Ocarina to my lips and mimicked the song Saria taught me best I could. I prayed, prayed, prayed it was correct. At least, it didn't sound terrible.

Ralis let the song resonate in his head, then closed his eyes. I imagined his memories of Rutela and the former princess, Ruto, awakening within.

"I remember..." he murmured. The silent pair if guards raised their staffs in concern. "I know now. I know now of my roots to the princess... I have to... I have to come with you to Saria."

I nodded. "That's why she sent me here. To awaken your memories and bringing you to her. You've got to help her seal the Sages away."

He turned to the Zora guards. "I must follow Ilia," he told them.

Then, I stood there, frozen and dumbfounded. "Wait a second... So you just remembered? Just like that?"

He nodded. "Pretty much."

One of the Zora guards rushed to Ralis's side. "Your Highness! We can't just let you walk off with some stranger, far from any water source!"

Ralis smiled warmly toward his aid. "Thank you, but this is Ilia. I trust her. And must you remember, we're only going to Kakariko."

The guard frowned. "It's a long way nonetheless, Prince Ralis."

Ralis waved a gilled hand dismissively. "We will be fine. Now please watch over the village while I'm gone, alright?"

The Zora nodded reluctantly as Ralis led me downstream, then past the beatiful village. The water flow led all the way to the breathtaking Lake Hylia.

Once we splashed into the lake at the base of the large waterfall, he looked at me curiously.

"What?" I snapped. "Stop looking at me like that... It's uncomfortable." I had dropped my formal act, since we were far from any royals for the time being.

He chuckled. "Sorry. It's just that most humans are bothered by their clothes getting soaked. I don't know. I mean, despite Link, but he's a pretty weird person."

I laughed too. "Yeah. Anyways, we need to find a way to Kakariko. And soon. According to Saria, we don't have much time."

"Okay. Then we better hurry. This way..."

"Ilia..." My ears prickled at the distant, disembodied, and yet familiar voice.

"Whoa, did you hear that?" I asked.

Ralis looked at me quizzically.

"It sounds like it's coming from over there..." We started swimming toward the serpent spirit Lanayru's spring, a sacred rock cave that sat in .the middle of the lake.

Once we entered the bright cavern, I didn't see any trace of a light spirit, as rumored to reside there. I'd never seen her, anyway. Instead, a translucent green-clad figure was floating on the edge of the small outcropping that overlooked the spring.

"Saria!" I shouted, running to the edge overlook.

"So you've succeeded in attaining Ruto's descendant," she said with approval.

"W-Who are you?" murmured Ralis behind me, in awe.

"I am Saria, the Sage of Forest. I've come to save the potential fate of us Sages..." Saria explained.

"Oh, right, I remember... So you want me to stay here until Ilia gathers the others?"

Saria nodded, and turned to me. "We don't have much time. We must act with haste. You must venture to Death Mountain, Ilia, and seek out Darbus, the Goron patriarch."

"Oh, that guy..." I muttered under my breath, as visions of the tough Goron jogged my memory.

"No further remarks, Ilia," Ralis spoke up. "You have to hurry. For the sake of Hyrule."

I squared my shoulders and nodded firmly before exiting the cavern to the chilly night air once more.

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