Chapter 17- Grace

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"Are we there yet?" I ask for the hunderth time

"Almost" Leo answers smiling at how eager I am to meet his family.

"I hope they like me. I hope your Mom is okay with us getting married. I wonder if Mia will like me." I ramble on, making him chuckle.

"I'm sure they'll love you" says Leo and I smile I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger

"Maybe you're an uncle, oh that would be so cute! Uncle Leo." I say and he just shakes his head but he's smiling. He turns into a driveway and puts the truck into park.

"This is it." he says gesturing towards the house. Its a cute little house with a chimney and a garden. Like mine, its in the middle of no where. There's a swing set in the back and I can picture a smaller Leo swinging on it. A huge willow tree sits in the front yard.

"I like that tree. That is a nice tree" I say looking at the willow. Its tall branches reach towards to sky scraping the clouds

"Yeah, its grown a lot since I've been here last." he says and I see a little girls head peeking through the window.

"Is that Suzy?" I ask smiling at her

"Yeah.. That's Suze" he says his voice thick with emotion. I hop out of the truck to and take his hand. He seems nervous.

"Come on, it will be okay" I say resting my head on his shoulder. Together we walk toward the door and he knocks. A teenager girl who I assume is Mia opens it.

"Hello?" she says looking at us

"Hey..Mia" stutters Leo "Can we come in?"

"Who are you?" she asks staring at me.. or more so the scars covering my body, particularly my face. I look up at Leo and squeeze his hand he seams to be stuck

"Hi Mia, I'm Ryan. I'm Leo's mate" I say and her jaw drops.

"Leo..." she whispers looking at her big brother sadly

"Yeah, kiddo" he says and she gives him a hug. I let go of his hand and step back so that he can hug his little sister, that isn't so little anymore.

"Why did you leave?" she sobs and I smile sadly

"Because... It was what I thought was best... It was stupid but I'm back now" he says and she steps out of his hug, wiping her tears away.

"Come in, come in" she says opening the door wide and Leo steps in taking my hand he pulls me in with him. We kick off our shoes and she leads us to the living room.

"Sit... I cant wait to tell Mom! She'll be so excited! And you found your mate! Suzy! Come here!" she says and a girl walks in. They look like there brother. Same Green eye's.

"Yeah, Mia?" she asks eyeing us

"Leo is back" she buzzes. Clasping her hands together. Suzy looks us sitting on the couch. But she seems transfixed on my scars

"Who are you?" she asks me nervously

"I'm Ryan, I'm Leo's Mate" I say smiling moving my hair so that it covers the scar on my jaw.

"Oh... Leo?" she says turning to him

"Yes Suzy?" he says

"When did you get a mate?" she asks sitting down next to him.

He laughs and kisses the top of her head. "Not that long ago"

"Oh... " grins Suzy, Mia sits down next to me

"Why arn't you guys in school?" asks Leo

"School doesn't start for another week" says Mia

"Lucky" I say and Leo smiles. Suddenly there's a a jingling of keys at the door and a woman walks in. She turns and see's us all sitting on her couch. I sit up straighter. And take a deep breath

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