[27] siblings

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Yena steps inside her office, holding a glass of liquor. "You drank enough." Yuri's voice echoes from her behind. "I only drank a few. I'm not yet drunk." Yena replies and sits on the couch.

"When are we making a move?" Yuri sits across the older. "the day after tomorrow. We're going to end this." Yena replies as she lazily drinks the last sip of her liquor.

"We should be prepared by now, you know." Yuri says and Yena chuckles. "You say that as if your plans works against mine back then."

Yuri frowns and Yena quickly feel guilty.

"I'm kidding. Tell the others to be prepared before we shut the lights." Yena says and Yuri nods before she leaves Yena's office-


Explosion interrupts her drunk mind. "What the.." she mutters and follows the trace of the smoke.

a silhouette appears.

"Choi Yena."

"Choi Sungmin." Yena answers and pulls her switch blade from her behind. "I don't know why you know my name but you have to die." Sungmin replies.

"He's brainwashed, huh." Yena says to herself.

"I guess explaining to you that i'm your younger sister, is a dumb idea. Then i'll make you remember me by myself." Yena says; before she throws the fire extinguisher and shoots it with Yuri's gun..

smokes made her invulnerable and slits Sungmin's chest.

Yena stares at her brother with his bleeding chest. As long as she wanted to hug him, she needed confront him- and make him remember her..

but gunshots made her even more disturbed. "Chief-"

"Where are you going Yena? We are not done yet." Sungmin says as he simply wipes the blood with his hand.

"Yena!!!" Yuri shouts from downstairs. Yena curses under her breath, and shoots Sungmin with Yuri's gun until she reaches downstairs-

Yuri hugs Yena as soon as they see each other. "Where are the others?" Yena asks her..

"Yena!! Yuri!!! Over here!!" Yujin shouts from the outside, Chaewon hops inside the van.

The two runs outside and follows Yujin inside the van; as they watch their hideout burn into ashes from the window.

Yena grabs into her necklace. "Sungmin.." She mutters.

"I guess we're not siblings anymore."

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