dorm problems

469 18 1

Ruby's pov

I wake up and see another message from the school.

Thank you for filling the form out,miss rose.

We have reseved a dorm for you and three other students,picked at random,and you must be settled in as soon as possible.

Signed, headmaster Ozpin

"Oh...yay..." I said

I got ready and headed to school.

"Yang!" I yell after I saw her in the hallway and she runs over to me.

"Yeah sis?" she asked

"Did you get an email last night?" I ask

She nods,"duh,I signed it too,did you? She asked

"Yeah,who else is going to help you from burning the building down." I say

She hits my arm playfully,"I'm not that bad at cooking." she said

I raise an eyebrow.

"You almost burnt the kitchen down,reheating bacon."I say

She pouts,"that was one time!" she said

I chuckle and find weiss walking past us.

I run after her,"weiss,wait up!" I say

She slows her pace and looks over her shoulder.

I smile,"hi." I said catching up to her.

"Hello." she said

I could tell she was upset about something.

I shrug it off and we head to first period.

Timeskip to study hall

I sit next to weiss,but I still feel like something was upsetting her.

"Uh,are you okay?" I ask her

She looked up from her phone and then looked at me with a look I couldn't read.

"Uh.y-yeah.I'm fine,I'm just thinking about...stuff." she said

"Stuff? Like what?" I ask

"My father agreed to the whole dorm thing,but..." she put her head on the desk,"I don't know what to take..." she said.

I silently hold back a laugh,"really that's what you've been so bummed out about?" I said.

She gave me an upset look,"it's not funny." she pouts.


" alright, sorry",I said chuckling

"Thank you." she said with a sigh.

I smile at her, "hey, look at this." I say holding out my phone, a video of yang trying to put out the flaming bacon played.

She didn't seem phased by it until she hears yang yelling at me.

"Where are you...HANG ON!...-YOU SLUT, YOU F***ING SLUT!" she yelled angrily, as I backed out of the kitchen.

(to be continued...)

Roses are White [discontinued 08/04/22]Where stories live. Discover now