Chapter 7

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Carter’s POV

I drive down the street with a giant smirk on my face, I can’t wait to see her gorgeous face again. I look at my watch to see I’m a few minutes late but it was only because I had to look good but not to overdressed. I keep driving as a car behind me toots its horn. I look in the mirror to see a familiar looking car following me; I pull over as the one and only Matthew Espinosa, my best friend steps out of the car. We give each other a bro hug and we start chatting about random things until I remember Alice………He notices I’m in a rush as he all of a sudden says

“Are you meant to be somewhere” I think for a few seconds then just give up and tell him about Alice. He screams loudly because he hasn’t seen me this happy with a girl for a long time, they have all been horrible fans that are in it for the fame and money………but Alice is different, I can just tell.


I hop in the car as matt jumps in the passenger seat and I quickly speed down to the shop. Of course Matt had to come but I didn’t really mind, all he wanted to do was meet Alice then leave. We pull up in front of Starbucks and I rush inside realising I’m 15minutes late…thanks Matt. Hopefully she is still here. I scan around the shop until I notice her glistening eyes shining in the sunlight and her beautiful face smiling at me. We walk over and I look at Matt and the dreamy look on his face pissed me off…..I didnt want him falling for Alice too. We reach the table and I notice another pretty girl sitting at the table. Alice says “hey” and introduces Alex and I introduce Matt. Alex stands up as she says

“I better leave you two lovebirds alone”, which caused me and Alice to both blush. I take a seat as Matt says to Alex “yeah I better leave too, wanna hangout"……………They walk out of the shop arm in arm as Alex turns around and yells

“text you later”

I suddenly realise Alice wasn’t the one Matt was Day dreaming about, luckily.

Alice’s POV

I didn’t really mind that Carter was late because his hot face distracted me. As Alex and Matt left we started talking at first it was awkward because we were just staring into each other’s eyes. But eventually we got to know each other better and really hit it off we talked about anything and everything he even asked if I was single which was quite cute. We spent half the time laughing which caused a few evil glares from some customers. After we finished our coffees I pulled out my wallet but carter insisted to pay……


We walk down the street in a comfortable silence until our hands lightly touch. We both look down simultaneously then he grabs my hand and entwines our fingers. We walked past a few shops until we stop outside a video shop. We look at each other and smile because we basically just read each other’s minds. Which was really cute, we enter the shop and walk down different aisles. I notice a couple of teenagers around our age walk up to him they started chatting. I notice him write something down on a piece of paper….. Wait was he giving them his number? That’s a bit rude on a first date with another girl…..Wait is this even a date? I shook it off and started searching for the movie I wanted. I picked out the movie and walked over to carter who was holding a scary one. We walk back to where he had parked his car at Starbucks and he stared driving. We drive down a few streets that I had never been down, until we come up to a street that looks like billionaires would own. He drives down the street. Hmmm maybe just going for a tiki tour. He looks over at me and asks if I’m ok as he sees the shocked expression I have on my face. I then say

“OMG THIS STREET IS SO FLASH” he giggles at my response, and then starts to slow down near the richest house on the block. How could he even afford such a nice car and house? I’m starting to question a lot of things about Carter. We enter the house as I ask Carter to pinch me. We both laugh as he gives me a tour of his house (which takes about 30 minutes because it is so big) and I thought my house was a mansion. We finally make it to his movie room, it seems quite romantic because there were a few candles scattered around the room and a giant red couch in the middle…..maybe he planned all this. I sat on the middle of the couch as carter puts in the movie. As it starts to play he sits down a few centimetres away from me until it starts playing he put his arm around me and I cuddled into him, even though it was only the comedy movie I had picked. About ¾ through the movie I notice carter looking down on me, probably because the movie was starting to get boring. We were finally on to his scary movie. During most of it I had my hands over my eyes because I’m not really a fan of scary movies. I flinch a few times as Carter holds me tightly. I rest my head on his shoulder and slowly my eyelids become heavier and heavier until I’m asleep.


Carters POV

I sit there gazing at the screen as credits roll down. Why am I so lucky to have met Alice? I stare down at her flawless face, man she is so pretty. As time ticks by I keep staring at her beauty then fall asleep cuddling her. We both wake up with a sudden shock as the door to the house slams open and we hear someone walking into the house………


I said Chapter 6 was long but this one is much longer YAY!!!!!!! Who do you think the person in the house is??? Will it be someone bad?



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