Ch. 35 - Donki Oota Disguises

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A/N: I put a lot a lot of effort into the drawings for this chapter, because they're gifs this time around! I hope you like them ;)


"Now that it's been decided," Todoroki said, turning away from the hospital entrance, "let's go."

He, Midoriya, Iida, and Yaoyorozu started walking away before Kirishima stopped them.


They all turned back to look at the redhead, confused.

"Kirishima-kun?" Midoriya asked. "What's wrong?"

"We can't leave yet. There's one more coming with us. She should be here any minute now..."

"One more?"

As if on cue, they heard footsteps approaching them, turning to see another one of their classmates.

Who it was surprised them.

"Kanetsukabe-san...?" Yaoyorozu said, shocked.

"Sorry I'm late," Hitomi replied. "I had to switch train lines to get back here."

"Wait, you're coming with us?!" Midoriya protested.

Hitomi stopped in front of them, clenching her fist as she stared at the ground. "Of course I am... I know exactly how Kirishima feels. This isn't... this isn't the first time I've felt so useless before."

The others silently stared at her, Yaoyorozu knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"A long time ago," Hitomi continued, "I couldn't save someone that was right in front of me. I promised that person I would never let it happen to her or anyone else ever again, and I failed to keep that promise. It may be selfish of me to do this in order to absolve my own feelings, but unlike before...

I can actually do something this time."


"So this is Camino Ward?" Midoriya asked as they stared at the buildings in front of them.

"There are a lot of people," Todoroki observed.

"So, those guys are hiding somewhere in this city?" Kirishima said, looking around. "Okay, where are they, Yaoyorozu?!" He suddenly ran off, nearly separating from the group before Hitomi grabbed his shirt collar.

"Please wait!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

Kirishima didn't try to fight Hitomi's grip, turning back to look at Yaoyorozu.

"From here on out," Yaoyorozu declared once she'd had everyone's attention, "we must be very, very careful. The villains know what we look like, remember? We must also consider that we may be attacked at any moment."

"Got it!" Midoriya said, covering his face with his arms. "Gotta be covert!"

"But at this rate," Iida stated, placing a hand on his chin, "we won't be able to scout very easily."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Kirishima asked.

Yaoyorozu fidgeted, Hitomi noticing her cheeks tint a slight pink as she pointed to a store. "I have a suggestion."

Dirt-Cheap Donki Oote.



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