Let me go... let me die

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I jogged down the halls my 3 foot Greek sword in hand. The hall was empty deserted and at a time like this I couldn't help but think it was odd Victoria wasn't at my side. I shook my head and tried to concentrate on the two little kids that needed my help. I got to the end and entered the room. Thorn wasn't there maybe he fled sensing my sword. But there frozen in place staring at me were the di Angelo kids. I lowered the tip of my sword and advanced slowly to them "I'm Percy" I started "I'm not gonna hurt you I'm going to take you somewhere safe" I promised as they looked at me terrified. Only to late did I realize what Bianca's eyes were telling me. They weren't scared of me. They were warning me. I swished around and a burning sensation hit my shoulder. "Yes Perseus Jackson" Thorn said in his thick French accent annoying the crap outta me. "I know who you are" he said I tried to lunge but a thorn had me lodged to the wall it grazed my skin and I knew the pain....poison. "Walk" he sneered. I glanced the the di Angelos and followed Thorn in hopes of coming up with a plan.

"Walk faster!" Thorn shouted "Uh duh...my shoulder it burns" I tried to act miserable which wasn't to hard "Nonsense my thorns cause pain it will not kill you" he herded us towards the cliff and woods and I panicked. I tried to picture Grover's face and think fear, death, HELP. Last year Grover made an empathy link between us, Victoria and Victoria's two little brothers, Mason and James. What sucked is I wasn't connected to the Apollo kids Grover was. I wasn't even sure if this empathy thing worked when Grover was awake this...was a long shot.

"There is a clearing ahead... I will summon your ride" he said walking us towards the woods "What ride! Where are you taking us!" Bianca demanded "Silence you insuffurable girl!" he shouted "Hey..don't talk to my sister like that" Nico shouted voice shaky but I'm suprised he was able to say anything at all. The woods opened up to a clearing and a ciff overlooking the sea or at least I sensed the sea. He pushed us towards the sea and I stumbled but Bianca caught me. "Thanks" I mumbled "What is he?" Bianca asked "I'm scared" Nico mumbled "Stop talking and face me!" Thorn screeched we turned and he removed something from his jacket at first I thought it was a switchblade but it was just a cell phone. "The package it is ready" He mumbled a garbled response came and I realized he was in walkie talkie mode. I shuddered it was so modern it was creepy. I glanced back and tried to see how far the drop was. "By all means Son of Poseidon jump" Thorn chuckled "What did he call you?" Bianca muttered

"I'll explain later"

"You have a plan right?

"I'll kill you before you even reach the sea. You do realize who I am don't you" Thorn mused.

A flicker of movement behind Thorn shot a thorn at me whizzing past my face. Almost like a catapult but more flexible like a tail.

"But you are wanted alive other wise you would be dead" Thorn explains "Who wants us! If your looking for a ransom it won't happen! Nico and I we're all we have!" Bianca shouted. "Aw no worries soon you will meet my employer and you will have a new family" Thorn chuckles. "You work for Luke?" I asked. Thorn's mouth twisted with distaste at the name of my enemy. An old friend who tried to kill me several times and tried to kidnap my girlfriend to marry her. "The general will enlighten you tonight you idiot" Thorn neered "The General" Then I realized I had used a french accent "I mean...who's the General?" I asked but he looked towards the horizon where a helicopter was getting closer. "Ah your transportation it is near" He mused "Where are you taking us!" Nico shouted "You should be honored boy you will join an army! Just like your silly game with cards and dolls" Thorn said "They're not doll they're figurines! And you can take your army and stick it..." he started but Bianca gave him a warning glance. I stared at the boy. He reminded me of Victoria and how geeky she is deep down that with being obsessed with The Legend of Zelda. And how when she's angry she'll spit out insults and how she sticks up for her siblings like Nico did earlier. "You will change your mind soon enough... if not there are other uses for half-bloods we have plenty of monsters to feed that with The Great Stirring under way" Thorn said "Stirring? Whats that" I asked anything to keep him talking. "Monsters some that haven't been seen in thousands of years are awaking! And soon we will have the one to bring down Olympus!" he shouted

-3- Kissing Sunshine *Percy Jackson*Where stories live. Discover now