Code XIV: Melting

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"Levi," Xora whimpered, wincing when Levi turned her left palm, picking at the glass shards that dug deeply into her flesh. "That hurts."

"Tell me what happened," he demanded. There was a dangerous edge to his voice. "Did he hurt you? If you don't tell me, I'm going to slit that bastard's throat."


"Fuck it." Levi abruptly stood and swiped something from his back pocket, a glint of metal flashing when a sharp blade snapped up from a small pocket knife. Spinning around at light speed, a look of pure fury crossed Levi's face, and his arm snapped back. He pulled it forward and threw the knife. The small blade flew like a dart and faster than the blink of an eye, it lodged itself straight through Jacque's left temple.

Xora sat, stunned, a look of astonishment glued to her face. Levi had, yet again, killed another human being without a second thought—and this time it was not out of justice or safety; it was out of fury. A small push threw him over the edge, driving him to kill somebody. A dash of fear overtook her when a brief memory flashed across her mind: a large, large knife. It was stained greatly with splotches of dripping blood, the tip pointed straight toward her.

"Xora!" Levi shouted, drawing Xora back to reality. Over his shoulder, she could just barely make out the surprised face of one of the women who had accompanied Jacque's side earlier. The woman's hands flew to her face and a shrill scream tore from her throat. It resonated loudly over the thrumming music. She pointed at Jacque's unmoving body, the blood pooling around is head, and she screamed again. Xora could only decipher a few words.

"We need to leave," Levi said quickly, dragging Xora to her feet. Without a second thought, the two bolted past the woman, too fast for her to recognize their faces. Levi and Xora hustled through the still drunken and dancing people, squeezing through grinding couples and sweaty dancers. One by one, the people began to turn their heads, their gazes moving to the VIP section. And, one by one, screams added to one another until it became a race for the exit doors.

Xora and Levi, fortunately, were at an advantage, the two of them already at the front doors. They burst through and charged left, racing through the dark streets until they encountered a dark alleyway. Slipping through, they found cover beside a large green dumpster. Levi sat with his back against the crevice between the brick building and the dumpster. He held Xora tight to his chest, hiding her from view. Her heart pounded; the night air was filled with screams echoing from streets away, several voices shouting for the police.

Leaning his head back against the wall, Levi's chest heaved.

"Levi," Xora cried in a surprisingly unwavering voice. "You killed him... !"

"That's not important," he growled in response, narrowed eyes flashing as he released his tense hold around her. "I need to know what happened in there."

"I don't know... it was strange. I was asking him some questions, and when he was supposed to be unconscious, he somehow had the strength to almost suffocate me." Xora rubbed her arms and looked up, meeting his gaze. It took all of her courage to focus on him, trying her best to shake the feeling of the crushing weight of the now dead man. "Levi... will you hold me?"

At first, he was caught off-guard. Without a second of hesitation, Levi enveloped her once again. This time, her body melted against Levi, burying her face in his shoulder. Leaning his cheek into her hair, he squeezed her tighter, letting out a small sigh.

"I'm glad you're alright," he breathed, his shoulders hunched over. "When I got that alert, I was so scared something worse had happened, I must've knocked over at least ten other people while trying to get to you.

"I'm alright," Xora reassured him, slowing her breathing. "Whatever happened was necessary for me to get the information I needed."

Levi grumbled. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone."

Angel With A Shotgun [Levi Ackerman x OC] / Attack on Titan / Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now