A Gift

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A knock on the door woke Y/n from her slumber. She quickly rolled out of bed and threw on her robe, before rushing to the door and throwing it open.

Ramsay stood before her with a wild smile on his face. "I have a surprise, come on." He reached out for her arm, but she quickly pulled away.

"Ramsay, I have no clothes on," she scolded, pulling her robe tighter.

Ramsay's eyes glanced up and down her body. "You look fine to me." His grin grew as she shook her head at him.

"Fine," she smiled and took his arm.

Ramsay led the two to the kennels, where they could hear whimpering coming from inside.

"Ready?" he asked, his hand pressed to the door.

"Yes," she cautiously replied.

What was inside was something Y/n had never thought she would see.

Alison, a dog who she had thought larger than all the others, was laying in the middle of her cage with a small grey puppy making soft noises as it snuggled to her side for warmth. At the sound of the door opening, Alison had perked her head and was watching her master.

Y/n quickly rushed to the cage stealing glances back to her husband to be. Alison changed her focus to the woman as she got closer. She let out a low growl in warning when Y/n knelt in front of the cage.

"Quiet girl," Ramsay called, and the dog instantly fell silent. Ramsay approached the cage and opened the door, grabbing the little puppy.

Y/n reached into the cage as well, patting Alison's head and whispering, "good job, girl." With a smile, she stood up and went to Ramsay, looking at the tiny dog in his hands.

"Did this happen tonight?" she asked him.

He nodded. "I was thinking; she could be yours."

Y/n gazed at him with wide eyes and a surprised smile. "Why?"

"A celebration," Ramsay smiled as he placed the puppy in her hands, "for your first hunt and as a wedding gift." He didn't add the fact that he wanted her to be protected at all times in case he was called off to battle in Robb Stark's war. "What shall you name her?"

"Willow." Y/n brightly smiled as Ramsay snickered.

"A fitting name," he complimented as he finished laughing. "You'll have to train her." She glanced up from the little dog. "It will be hard."

She grinned. "Will it?" She took a step closer to him. "Will it be difficult?" She was now so close that he could feel her warm breath on his cheeks.

"It will." His hand came up to hold her cheek as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Then I'm glad my lord husband will be here to help me."

Instantly Ramsay's mouth was on hers in a hungry kiss and his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. She responded just as eagerly, trying to get as close to him as she could without squishing the tiny puppy nestled in her arms.

They broke apart for air, Ramsay's forehead resting against hers and his hand rubbing her soft cheek where it still rested.

"That was nice," Y/n breathlessly whispered.

Ramsay hummed in agreement.

After a few minutes, the couple pulled apart. "Come on," Ramsay said as he started leading them out of the kennels.

"Wait," Y/n called, and they both paused. "I'm still a lady of virtue. You aren't planning on taking that are you?"

Her suggestion brought a sly grin to the bastard's face. "Only if that is what you wish, my Lady." She smiled at his response as she felt his hand on her lower back. "I was only planning on escorting you back to your room so you could get dressed, but if you prefer..." His hand dragged upwards, following the curve of her back.

She giggled softly. "Thank you, my Lord. But I'm quite fond of keeping it." She walked back to the cage and placed the puppy in with its mother, then walked back Ramsay where she took his arm. "For now," she winked at him as they began walking back to the Dreadfort.

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