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Today you and soobin where you going to hang out.
Y'all where going to a party sadly.

He knows you hate them but he still makes you go to them. It's been 2 months since y'all found each other again.

"So soobin when's the party"

"It's at 9"

"Am or pm" you said being dumb

"Are you fucking stupid it's all ready passed 9am so it's obviously not 9am bitch" be said yelling at you.

"I am not a bitch I was being dumb on purpose" you said and went to your room.

He realized he was a little mean to you and he was having a bad day and he took it out on you.
He knocked on your door "hey y/n I'm sorry I'm just having a bad day" he said opening the door.

You did not have any clothes on because you where changing. "What the fuck soobin get OUT" you said and shut the door.
He started to laugh he saw you only in a bra and underwear.

You came out of your room and sat on the couch
"Sorry for walking in on you"
"Just shut up it's fine"
"Well it's time to go" he said and got up.
"Well lets go" you said and went outside.

You two got in the car and obviously you like him but you just don't know how he feels.

The car was really quiet the whole time. Y'all finally got there you where just going to dirk because you had nothing better to do and y'all you and soobin keep doing is fighting lately.

"Hey I'm going up stairs" you said and left soobin.

You found a room and just led on the bed you hate party's so much. Then soobin came in with all of his friends.

"Y/n come here" soobin said you got off the bed and sat by him.

"So this is your girlfriend the one you talk and all the time" one of his friends said looking at you smiling

"Um yeah I guess" he said

"What are they talking about" you whispered to soobin.

"No you always talk about how hot she is and cute and how good she is" he said winking at you.

You felt like you where going to throw up you got up and went to the bathroom.

"So he says all this stuff about me I hate him so much" you said to yourself and looked at your self in the mirror
Someone came in it was soobin

"What the fuck why would you say that about me soobin" you said crying.

"It was not about you it was about my last relationship Y/n" he said and grabbed your hands

"No soobin no please don't"

"Y/n it's been too months since I found you again I'm not going to lose you again" he said looking in your eyes

"I'm going to go back ok come when you want to" he said and left

You did not know what to do you love him but he hurts you too much but you want him and it has been two months.
It was about 10 minutes and you went to go find him he was not in the same room so you looked around for him. You found a room in the back and went to see if he was in there.

And he was but at alone with a girl kissing a girl. You just watched him you did not know why it hurts so much to see him do that to you maybe because it's because you love him. You don't know what to do ran away you just left and shut the door.

You walked home and cried all night you went to sleep and cried you did not care anymore you hate him but you love him.

Sorry this might be confusing and it might be going really fast but I didn't know what to happened but I have a idea.

I still want you {Soobin}Where stories live. Discover now