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Vincent's POV

I take Wendy's hand and grip it tightly, resting it on my lap. It bounces on my thigh as my foot continuously taps against the carpet floor, causing steady yet quiet thumps. Wendy slips her hand out and sets it onto my my fist, giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"Are you nervous?" she grins. 

"Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" I chuckle lightly. 

"Really? Cause I am."

"...Yeah, I'm nervous," I admit, falling back onto the chair. 

"I hope the baby's healthy," Wendy says, placing her other hand onto her belly. 

"Me too. We should've gotten genetic tests to make sure we don't have any recessive disorders. You know, if we each have a recessive allele, it's a 25% chance. That's so high. It's even worse if we have a dormant condition that we haven't realized yet, like Huntington's disease! It only needs one allele-"

"Vincent, you're not helping by being a nerd," Wendy stops me, though she smiles from amusement. 

"Sorry," I sheepishly apologize while looking down.

Awe washes over me as I realized how big the bulge has gotten. 

"The bump's getting big," I whisper in awe. 

"You're excited now, but you won't be when I start stealing all of your t-shirts."

"Take them all," I insist. 

The door creaks open and a nurse pokes her head out into the lobby. 

"Wendy Lee," she calls. 

I practically jump out of my chair before helping Wendy off her's. We walk to the door and follow the nurse to the back, down a stretch of hallways. 

"Excited?" she asks. 

"Yes, but a little nervous," Wendy smiles, squeezing my hand slightly. 

"That's perfectly okay," the nurse nods as she opens up the door to a small, dark room. "You can take a seat on blue chair." 

I help Wendy onto it before getting into the other chair beside it. The nurse sits herself on a small stool beside Wendy and begins to recline Wendy's seat. She asks a series of basic questions and records them on a clipboard before leaving the room. Soon after, the ultrasound tech comes in. 

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'll be taking your ultrasound today," she introduces herself and extends her hand for me to shake. Afterwards, she sits down on the stool and shakes Wendy's hand as well. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes, please," Wendy earnestly answers, which prompts the sonographer to begin putting on gloves.

"Alright, I'm going to lift your shirt," she says, carefully sliding the fabric up to reveal Wendy's plump stomach. She takes a bottle from the stand nearby. "This will be a bit cold," she warns, and Wendy nods. 

She squirts the blue gel and spreads it across Wendy's stomach. After she's finished, she flips on the machine and takes the wand, pressing the head against Wendy's skin. Wendy's stomach rises with her chest as she inhales deeply, her eyes concentrating on the gray screen. I take her hand and encase them between the two of mine before fixing my eyes on the screen. 

Slowly, a leg comes into view, and as the tech slightly slides her wand, a body and head appear as well. Even with the gray-scaled and dotty image, the baby seemed so clear. I've often seen fetus development pictures in my college textbooks, but it could not compare to the amazing sight I'm witnessing. I learned about the creation of life, but now I was living the miracle. My eyes can't be more transfixed on the life Wendy and I together created. This is our baby...

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