August Alsina

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"AUGUST!! GET YO BRIGHT LIGHT ASS OVER HERE!" I yelled profusely. I heard him suck him teeth as he stomped up the stairs. "GET THIS PIECE OF SHIT UP!" I yelled, pointing at the lone sock on the floor. He looked at me as if I had three heads, and picked up the sock, rolling his eyes as picked me up and put me over his shoulder, trying not to elbow me in the stomach.

"We going out to eat ma, your hormones got you searching for every flaw of mine." He said, picking up my sandals. He walked downstairs and got a key off the hook, going into the garage and walking towards his custom Range Rover. He sat me in the front seat and put on my sandals, being the gentleman he is. I rolled my eyes laughing while he started kissing my toes, which also tickled. "Aug, don't we got somewhere to go?" I asked, laughing and holding my stomach.  "Oh yeah, here I go getting carried away." He said. He pecked my lips and my stomach. If you didn't get any hints by now, I'm pregnant; 6 months to be exact. I was going to let my baby be a surprise until tomorrow, when the baby shower is. August knew, but he told me he wanted me to be surprised.

"Come on Y/N, let's go." He said, walking into an expensive but casual restaurant. I rolled my eyes and blushed.

"You didn't have to go all out like this, it's just lunch.."  "But I wanted to love, so come on." He said, holding out his hand. I gratefully accepted it and stepped out or the car, closing the door behind me. He opened the door revealing a dark restaurant. The lights suddenly flicked on, and the restaurant was full or people-friends and family to be exact. I covered my mouth im astonishment as they yelled

"It's A Boy!!" I shedded tears of joy as my family engulfed me in hugs, congratulating me and making small talk. I got to catch up with family members in years, that happen to know almost everything that happened in my life during that period  which I found hilarious... And a little creepy.

We had fun and all of a sudden August got on one knee. I gasped and looked around as the room fell silent.

"You dropped your earring..."


BWAHAHAH it took me a long time to think of a twisted ass ending,but I did it. ;D

A Lil sum-sum you can post on ya Insta of Aug in the MM


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