Chapter 1

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This is my first fan fiction so I'm sorry if it's crap :/ but i hope you like it :)

"Emma your dad and i are leaving now" my mom tells me.

"Ok'' i groan whilst dragging my self out of bed.

I press the lock button on my phone to check the time and see that it's 01:40pm on a saturday, i know what your thinking that i'm a lazy person, and yes i am a lazy person but in my defense of a week i have to wake up at 7:30am so i can get ready for school so i think i deserve to sleep in of a weekend.

I head down the stairs and stand in the doorway with Ryan and wave goodbye to my mom and dad. They decided that they were gonna go away and stay in a hotel for the night so that they could have some alone time or something, so that means that me and Ryan are being left alone in the house together Whoop this should be fun. sense the sarcasm.

I close the front door and walk into the kitchen and start making a bagel and coffee, "So what are you doing today?" Ryan asks me whilst sitting on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

What am i going to do today? I literally have nothing to do but sit here, I guess i could text Molly and ask her if she wants to hang out or something. Molly's my best friend for those who are wondering. "Nothing so far" i say whilst buttering my bagel.

I take a sip of my coffee and take a bite of my bagel "Ok" he replies and grabs his own bagel and heads into the living room to watch something on TV i assume.

I take one last bite of my bagel and drink the rest of my coffee, I walk up the stairs and walk into my room. I unplug the charger that for my phone and sit on my bed whilst texting Molly.



E- Hey you doing anything today?

M- Yeah I'm going to me auntie's with my mum, why?

E- Because I've literally got nothing to do today and i was going to see if you wanted to do anything :(

M- Awe sorry i can't :(

E- Ok well have fun at your aunties :)

M- Hahaha thanks will do :)

Molly doesn't get to see her auntie that much because she lives 2 and a half hours away, so she takes any opportunity she gets to see her auntie. I've been to her aunties a few times and her house is huge, i mean it's so big that it could be a mansion it's AMAZING!

I put my phone to the side of me and decide to get a shower and get changed and decide what to do for the day afterwards. I get up and walk over to my wardrobe and grab a pair of ripped high wasted shorts and a white crop top which flowa that has Miami written on it in big letters and palm trees in the letters, I grab my underwear and a pair of socks and head into my en suite bathroom.

After i am done in the shower, i sit down on the spinney chair at my desk and look at my phone and see that it is now 3:20pm, i place my phone back on the desk and spin on the chair. What should i do today? I stop spinning in my chair and look around my room. I stare out my window at the tree witch is literally a step away from mine and my neighbours balcony's.

I put my white converse on and grab my phone, sketching pad, pencil and a rubber i climb onto the seat that is by my window and out of my window, i then climb over my banister I've done this so many times that i should be a pro by now. When i'm over the banister i step onto the tree and sit down. I always like to come sit on this tree to think or to draw or when I'm bored like today.

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