2: Dream or Reality?

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I'm at home writing this paper for Ms. Kim's class. She seems to like everything I write. Which is good I guess. It's been two months and so far I'm doing the impossible and that's passing her class.

I hear groans and whines every time people get their work back, but I can't help but smile not because I like seeing them fail, I'm not that horrible, but because I get to be close to Ms. Kim when she hands me the paper and whenever she compliments me with her sexy ass voice. 

I will admit I have a little crush on her, maybe more but we wouldn't want that. She's my teacher and I'm her student. 

But other than my admiration for her beauty, I cannot help but feel that this whole mean demeanor is a charade. Her being strict and a devil, or whatever bad things students call her.  I can see it in her eyes that's not who she is.

I want to know her. 

Who she really is and what's behind the mask she is wearing. 

On the first day of school in my writing, I explained how I am intersexual and that I don't think I can find someone who is going to accept me for who I am. 

She wrote me a little note saying she understands what it's like to be different and having a fear of not being accepted.

She of course didn't go into details but the fact that she understands how I feel just makes me feel things for her that I should not feel.

She yells at us but I can see through that. I know she has a sweet spot in her. I just want to be the one to find it but of course, she's not going to let me in that easily. I mean I am a student after all.

 What could I possibly do for her?


I finished the paper and I decided to type it. My handwriting was neat but I was too lazy to start over when I made mistakes. So I just crossed them out and continued writing. My paper looked sloppy from the mistakes. I wouldn't dare turn this to her.

I think being in her class has made me a perfectionist. I don't want to turn in anything to her that isn't up to her standards.

That would kill me if I were to get a bad grade on something in her class.

I would just feel like I let her down.

I opened pages on my MacBook and I started typing away. I was fast at typing, so the four pages I wrote will only take me about half an hour to type. That is if I don't get distracted which knowing me, I might.

There was a knock on my door and I sighed. Great here's distraction number one.

"Come in," I said looking at my paper for the next sentence and continued typing. 

I heard my door creak open.

"Noona..." I heard my little brother Bambam said. I smiled hearing his voice. I loved my brother so much. He's the only person that makes me think that laugh might not be so bad.

"Yeah, bud?" I looked over at him.

"Can I play Call of Duty?" he asked nicely with his dog-like eyes that you can never say no to. I nodded to tell him yes. 

"Sure just don't have it too loud. You know mom doesn't like you playing video games this late. Especially violent ones"

He nodded and smiled excitedly whilst dashing towards the door to close it. He got the controller turning it on and got on my bed.

I looked back at my paper and continued typing once I saw he was comfortable. 

Surprisingly the sounds of guns going off and my brother groaning every time he dies didn't distract me.

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