....Feel Special....

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"Where are you going today?" Jihyo cuddled up with me in the bed to avoid the awkwardness.

"Just to, you know...."

"No I don't know. Tell me."

"I'm going out with the girls to get a dress."

"Oh, So I have to go work alone." Jihyo pouted at me. "Jihyo...do you want me to show up with no dress?"

"I wouldn't mind that"

"Stop! Your so dirty minded. You also promised me you'd get a dress.."

"Yea yea. I will don't worry. I have to get going." Jihyo got out of bed and went into the bathroom. "I love you.."

A couple long seconds.

"I love you too. Have a good day."


I walked into work and Nayeon wasn't there. Mina was taking over and trying her best to do everything. "Minari"

"Jihyo. Sorry Nayeon said she had something to do. I thought I'd fill in."

"Your doing good. Let me help you."



The store had what it looked like to be millions of dresses. Before I left Jihyo gave me her credit card so that meant any dress could be mine.

My inner fantasy was running wild in my head. I was ready to be a princess. It was still crazy that I was getting married for real. After everything that happened I was feeling weird about the whole dress thing. "You got this Sana!" Chaeyoung hit me in the arm and ran up to a black dress that caught her eye.

"Wow...it's so pretty in here!" Nayeon walked around like a child. She touched each dress as if it was a precious gem.

"Momo. We need to get married soon!" Dahyun pointed at dresses and momo laughed at Dahyuns picks. She picked out the biggest and funniest dresses. "Guys! Help me out...I'm the one getting married"

"Ok ok. Me and Momo will pick out two and Nayeon and Chaeyoung pick out two. Sana you get two you like. Then we'll meet up!"

After the dress picking we all met up in the changing room and I got fitted into the first dress. It was one Dahyun had picked out. The bottom was big and wide while the top was tight fitted. A very over the top ball gown.

I walked out and they all started laughing at me. I looked into the mirror. "Dahyun!" The dress was just to much and was to overwhelming for my body.

The next dress was one from Momo. This one was tiered and had a beautiful Lacey flower pattern to it. This one was much better and felt fun to move around in but it still felt a little to big for me. I wanted something more slick and neat fitted. "Ah..ok. Your turn then Nayeon."

"Actually we both just picked out one. We know for a fact this is the one. This is actually one that I saw show up on Jeongyeons phone a lot...she'd show it to me and want to see me in it but I think it will be good on you Sana." So this is Jeongyeons pick.

This dress was definitely impressive. The second I put it on I felt how different I felt in it. The anxiety raced through my body and the smiling started to show up on my face. Everything was really happening.

The dress was absolutely gorgeous. It was more plain but at the same time had so much going on.

It had sleeves that were lace, At the waist it had a small silk bow that went on the left side and The rest of the bottom of the dress was a long flowing lace that reached my ankles.

"Oh my god! Sana your going to make me cry!"


"I knew it was the one!"

"Your so beautiful. My friend is getting married ahh!!"

They all were in awe of my dress. Indeed Nayeon and Chaeyoung were right. I knew this was the dress I wanted. Everything about it made me feel special and happy.

"I'm really getting married...I can't believe it" tears started to form and everyone gave me a hug. I was feeling like a little baby.

This was really happening. After everything...thank you Jihyo. "I can't wait to marry her. I love her so much guys!!"

I know nothing about dresses but this is the one she picked out

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I know nothing about dresses but this is the one she picked out.

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