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The second prince was not exactly thrilled that he had to, once more, visit the King in order to complain about the crown prince.  It was, unfortunately, not the first time, and though he doubted that it would be the last, this was however, the worst. The crown prince had never really done anything so...horrid before, but this time it was more than his own ignorance, it was sheer prejudice, and bias. It...angered him greatly. He had dealt with the Crown Prince's irresponsibility, but this was simply pushing a line that he had hoped his brother would never cross, and yet, he had done so. There was little that he could do about it, without the King's approval. The fact that this person was the Crown Prince was a problem. A rather big one, and he was desperately hoping that the King would see this, and rectify the problem. Not because he desperately wished to obtain the title, there were others capable of inheriting the title, other than him. Being Crown Prince was a lot of work, work which the current holder of said title was simply not doing. There were responsibilities which were being shirked that should not be ignored. The crown prince was simply not suited to the title. He doubted whether the other would ever be truly ready for such a title. He tried not to judge, but sometimes it was rather difficult to refrain from such things. Especially when it came to matters such as the one he was to be discussing soon.

The second prince sighed deeply, inhaling softly and slowly letting his breath release. This was a rather serious matter, and it had to be dealt with extreme care. He slowly made his way to the King's chambers, and knocked on the door, awaiting the permission to enter the room, which was soon given to him, entering not too long afterwards. He did not really like visiting his Father, for despite the fact that the Crown Prince was named, his father still had tons of work to do. Though at times, Mingyu could not help but wonder if the other knew just how badly his brother was doing in his duties. He reported on a monthly basis, unless it was important, of course, but sometimes he wondered if his father truly understood.

The king was sitting as his desk, glancing up towards him as the second prince entered for a moment. The Veela king sighed deeply the moment he saw him. After all, the second prince rarely saw the king unless it was something important, and even less often was it that he would actively come to his office chambers. That could only mean one thing. The Crown Prince had once more screwed something up. The king was careful to hide such feelings of dread, however, as it simply would not do as a King to show such things. Especially concerning his son, about another one of his sons.

The King would be horrified to realize just how badly the one which he had appointed had messed up again. The Second Prince was uncertain how exactly to even approach the topic with his King. It was not something to be taken lightly. He always found it nerve wracking to approach these topics with the King. After all, he was not simply making a complaint, he was making a complaint about something that the person which the King had thought was suited to the throne next after him had done. That in and of itself was enough to shake anyone. His nerves were shot, yet he composed himself. He would do this. He had to at least make the King aware of what his brother had done. After all, if he did not feel it necessary, he would not dare approach the King like this. Yet, this was something which he simply could not ignore. It was far too much. The Crown Prince had gone way too far this time. He should have been stopped far before this, and yet, Mingyu was just horrified to realize just how far his brother had dared to go this time, using his title for more power to run around the palace, then actual justice. It was sickening.

"My Lord," The Second Prince greeted, bowing stiffly. 

"What happened this time?" The King asked, resigned, getting straight to the point. 

"Nothing good, I am afraid. Today, a newly presented Veela was brought in by a person who was not their parent, or guardian. Her family is well known among France, Fleur De'la'Cleur." The King nodded, slowly, as a sign for the Second Prince to continue speaking. "She warned Crown Prince that the boy was a submissive Veela, which, while uncommon in males, is not uncommon enough for the events which happened afterwards." The king motioned, once more telling the Second Prince to continue. "It would seem, that the Crown Prince simply ignored the words of caution from Miss Fleur, and, upon leaving the boy to wait for several hours whilst he did...something I do not know the nature of what he was doing, when he returned, he spoke with the boy briefly, then left once more for several hours again. He then proceeded to place the boy in a room suited to Dominant veelas, rather than Submissive ones. Left him once more for another several hours, leaving him completely unattended. I have re-suited the boy in a more suitable room, and ensured that he is settled before coming to see you about this matter. However, I thought you should know, as this is not the first time he has done this." The Second Prince inhaled shakily, after finishing. The King, he did not look pleased. 

"This is not good." The other whispered. The Second Prince remained silent. "Send him to me." Second Prince bowed, and left the room. The King, however, was horrified. He did not think that his son would be so utterly irresponsible. It would seem however, that he was blinded. He just could not allow the other to be Crown Prince. Not with this behavior.

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