Ch 16//The Return Of "Sad Boy"

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Charlies legs swung underneath him at the counter as he happily munched away at his Spaghetti Oh's. He felt like a happy kid again. Spaghetti Oh's were always his favorite, so his mom had made sure to make it atleast once a week for him.

Across the table from him, Alex slowly stired his spoon around his bowl. His head rested in his free hand. When Charlie had finished, he looked up at Alex who had barely touched his food.
He pulled out his phone and sent the blonde a text.

'Not hungry?'

Alex saw his phone go off and put his spoon down. He read the message and looked up at Charlie. "Not really" he replied giving a shrug. He put on a small smile. Charlie could tell something was bothering him though.

Charlie brought his bowl to the kitchen sink and rinsed it out before placing it down. Alex took his bowl and threw the noodles in the garbage. He tossed his bowl in the sink to deal with later and plopped down on the couch. He turned the TV on and stared at it with a blank expression. Charlie sat next to him and looked up at the TV. Every so often he would glance over at Alex. He just didn't seem like himself right now.

After half an hour passed of Alex just staring off into space went by, Charlie sent him another text. Alex's phone buzzed a second after. He reached into his pocket, his movements were very slow, as if he was using all his willpower to do so.

'Are you okay?..' the text read.

Alex stared at his phone for a long time. The question ran through his head over and over again. Was he okay?

He became overwhelmed and started to tear up. Charlie saw the shine in his eyes and immidiatly went over to hug him. Alex let the tears fall down his cheecks. He let his phone fall out of his hands and let himself be wrapped in Charlie's arms.

The sad boy had fallen victim to his depression for another night, and all he could do was fall apart in his friends embrace.

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