Lena Luthor x Reader pt 2 Lena POV

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After the argument between you and Lena you completely disappeared

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After the argument between you and Lena you completely disappeared. No one could find even a trace of you. Everyone, except Lena, had come to terms with the fact that you were gone and you weren't coming back. Lena became obsessed with finding you and developed some bad habits.

(Y/N)- Your Name

Lena could feel her heart shatter as she picked up your engagement ring you had slammed down onto her desk. She knew she had been taking advantage of how understanding you were but she hadn't realized how far she had pushed you. She feel down to her knees as sobs began to shake her whole body. She couldn't believe that she had hurt you like this. She felt Supergirl come and wrap her in a hug whispering that it would all be ok. She knew it wouldn't be though. She may very well have lost you forever because of her own careless actions. As her sobs began to slow and the tears began to flow from her eyes slower she stood up. She needed to find you as soon as possible. She pulled away from Supergirl and wiped her tears away. She couldn't even look Supergirl in the eyes at the moment. She was too ashamed of herself for completely breaking down in the superhero's arms. Lena didn't even say anything to her as she quickly walked out of her office. All Lena really cared about at this moment was finding you and begging you to forgive her for her mistakes. She should have never cancelled her dates with you for Kara or Supergirl. She should have never lied to you about what she was doing. Most importantly though she should have never given you a reason to distrust her to begin with. She raced down to her car as quickly as possible before driving to the penthouse the two of you shared. She begged and prayed the whole drive there that she wasn't too late. That she would be able to catch you before you left. She had tried to think about what to say to you but ultimately she knew there was no excuse that could explain the way she had been acting towards you. She still had no idea what say as she quickly parked the car. She didn't see your car anywhere but that didn't mean she had missed you necessarily. Maybe you had just parked your car somewhere she wouldn't see. She rushed to the penthouse as quickly as she could nearly breaking the door down in order to get inside. 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" she yelled your name running through the penthouse checking every room.

"Please don't be gone please." she begged to who she wasn't exactly sure. She checked your bedroom last and the sight that greeted her shattered whatever pieces remained of her heart. The dresser draws that had held your clothes were all pulled open and empty. She had been too late. She backed into the wall with her hand covering her mouth as sobs began to escape her mouth. She hadn't been able to make it in time in order to stop you from leaving. Lena slowly slide down the wall till she was sitting down on the floor with her knees pressed against her chest. She had no idea where you had even gone. She could only hoped that you had decided to go to one of your friends places to crash. With that thought in mind she quickly grabbed her phone out of pocket and called every single person you could have possibly gone to. Yet, with each negative answer she received her hope faltered more and more. You didn't crash at Alex and Maggie's place. James hadn't heard from you at all that day. She didn't bother trying to contact Kara. Winn said he hadn't talked or seen you for the past couple of days. J'onn said you hadn't been to his place since the last game night. There was only one more place that she could think of. Sam's house. She quickly pressed on Sams contact begging any god that would listen that you were over there hanging out with Sam and Ruby.

"Hey Lena. Do you need something? I'm in the middle of trying to help Ruby with her homework." Sam said as she answered her call. 

"Sorry Sam. I just have a quick question. Is (Y/N) over there with you guys by any chance?" Lena asked her voice wavering even as she tried her hardest to not let her emotions show through her voice.

"Umm no. I haven't talked to (Y/N) since last week." Sam said her worry clear in her voice. Lena could feel the tears starting back up. She had called everyone and none of them knew where you were at. She was at a dead end with no where to go now. She had no idea where to look for you next. She quickly hung up on Sam after saying goodbye and just sat there on the floor. How was she supposed to find you when no one knew where you were. She tried calling you multiple times but you never picked up. Lena couldn't help but worry about you. There are so many people out there that would love to get their hands on you to use you against her. She knew thinking like that was no good but she couldn't help it. If anything happened to you she would never forgive herself. She ended up staying home from work the next couple of days looking for any clues as to where you went or where you were. She had explained the situation to everyone and they were doing their best to help Lena find you. It seemed like every lead they found though lead to another dead end. Lena filed a missing persons report after the mandatory 48 hour wait had passed. The police didn't have any better luck than Lena and all your friends had though. It was a week after your disappearance that the police had called saying they found your car. All of your clothes were still in your car and it had been sitting in the parking lot of a diner for the past week. The police had told Lena it didn't look like any foul play was involved but that they weren't ruling it out quite yet. She felt completely numb after that. She couldn't even cry, she was just in complete shock. You were the love of her life and now the police were implying that you may not even be alive. She didn't even realize that she had ended up going to Sams place until she was standing in front of Sams door knocking. Sam came over and quickly opened the door once she realized who was behind it. She took one look at Lena and immediately pulled her into her arms. That was all it took for Lena to breakdown. Sam just closed the door and led Lena over to the couch sitting down with her and holding her. It pained Sam to see her friend in so much pain but she couldn't help until she knew what was wrong. She just had to wait for Lena to eventually calm down so she could explain and Sam could come up with a way to help. Ruby walked in on the sight of her mom holding a sobbing Lena. She looked at her mom and her mom just shook her head motioning for her to go back to her room. Ruby didn't want to but she followed her moms orders anyways. Eventually Lena had managed to calm down enough to talk to Sam.

"You want to tell me what that was all about Lena?" Sam asked keeping her voice soft and calm. Lena looked up at Sam and the amount of guilt and pain Sam saw swirling in her eyes broke Sams heart.

"They uh the police found (Y/N)'s car. It was in a parking lot at a diner. The owners said it had been there all week. The police they..they said that...they said that it um it didn't look like there was any um any foul play but they coul...couldn't rule it out." Lena managed to get out as she tried to contain the sobs that had started again. Sams eyes widened and she pulled Lena closer to her. She knew there was nothing she could say that would make this better. Lena had basically been told by the police that there was a chance her fiancee had been killed. No words would be able to make that better. After that day Lena began to spiral down. She drank more than she used to. She became obsessed with finding (Y/N). She barely showed up to work on time if she showed up at all anymore. She had no care for her own life anymore causing Supergirl to have to constantly rush to her rescue. There were many times in the first couple of months that Supergirl ended up flying Lena home carrying her bridal style because she had drank until she blacked out. Everybody's heart was breaking as they watched the dark path Lena started to go down. It was around the 4th month that Lenas friends had decided that an intervention was needed before Lena drank herself to death or killed herself doing something stupid. It ended up being a some-what good thing, everybody got to say what they needed and wanted to to Lena. Lena began to somewhat understand the pain she had been causing her friends. They had all lost (Y/N) to. She wasn't the only one suffering from the loose of you. They hurt just like Lena did and now they were hurting even more because it was like they had to watch as Lena destroyed herself. Many tears were shed that night by everyone. Lena slowly cut back on her drinking but she was still obsessed with finding you. She couldn't just accept the fact that you were gone like everyone else had. She just couldn't. She knew you were out there somewhere. She didn't know how she knew but she knew and she wouldn't stop searching for you until she had you back in her arms again.

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