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"Hello? Hello, is anyone there?", I called out.

Surrounding me was nothing but darkness, a vast sea of black that stretched across.

"Y/N, sssssY/N looksss heresss", a snake-like voice called out.
I really never thought that it would actually be a snake, but turning aroundn, there was an actual serpent.

I was going to scream, but then again I don't really do screaming so I just stared at it....
And it stared back at me...

"Jesus woman! Are you going to keep on staring at me?! At least have a reaction or something!"

I blinked as my mind started loading...
"Oh um hi? May I ask how I am able to understand you? Is this some Harry Potter shit like I am a parselmouth?"

"Gosh... This was supposed to be scary. Never mind, none of that. We'll get straight to the point."

After it's last words the light flickered off and I was blinded, and tossed into the ocean filled with nothingness.
I furrowed my brows and all of a sudden, I felt like I was falling.
Everything was black. I found myself falling in this darkness, hurtling towards an invisible floor. A floor that would most likely end me if I continued to fall at this speed and rate. The air pushed against my face as I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Amazingly it didn't hurt as I hit the ground, instead feeling all soft and fluffy. Light flashed into my eyes as I took some time to adjust to the change of environment. It was a familiar-looking place. Further up ahead by the cliff, I saw a younger me and a younger Yoongi.

Is this my memory?
This was just right before I fell off. I could see my younger self rapidly blinking her eyes while occasionally checking on Yoongi, to make sure that he didn't notice anything. Shaking my head, I took a step back and at that moment younger Yoongi turned around his eyes as big as golf balls. He reached out his little hand running towards me while yelling, "No! Be careful!"

A loud splash was heard afterwards.

A few tears escaped my eye as I smile bittersweetly at the memory.
Reliving the memory had recharged the guilt that I had so desperately tried to bury. It reminded me of the all the lies I've made and told.

It's better for Yoongi to not know.

All of a sudden, the earth shook as the fake sky(I actually have no idea) rippled and cracked. Making like a literal tear in the sky. Before I could question what was happening and why the heck the sky was ripped like some fabric, I was forcefully sucked into the empty space beyond the tear.

Everything was black for an instance, and out of pure instinct I shut my eyes tightly. A few moments later I opened my eyes, shocked to see that my surroundings had completely changed,ending up in a different place. Taking a closer look, the surroundings were familiar, it felt weird, and not in a good way.

It was only a second later when all the memory flashed into my brain. The fragments of my past that I kept hidden at the back of my mind, (not forgotten just hidden) came back upfront.

As I looked around I saw myself (or should I say younger self) laying on many pieces of newspaper on the floor.

I recognised this time and venue. This was when I awoke after falling. I was lucky enough to survive with just many bruises, cuts and scrapes. My body landed in the water, not hitting the land.

Pieces of scenes appear as it flickered on and off with me hitting multiple rocks, being washed away rapidly, knocking into many rocks within the river. The last fragment was of a woman wearing a mask picking me up, before everything vanished.

At this moment, the door opened and the woman who I call my mother entered the room. She smirked as she eyed my younger body lying unconscious.

She bent down towards my motionless body and said, " Wonder what use you would have. You were always a burden. No one will find you now"

Continuously laughing to herself, with a click of her heels, she turned sharply and strutted out leaving me still on the cold hard ground.

It felt so weird to be watching as the third person. At this moment I remembered feeling so desolated, so hopelessly disappointed. I had always wished, secretly hoped that they loved me but it was crushed so fast.

Right now watching I felt nothing but anger(okay maybe it hurts a little... yeah never mind it still hurts a lot.)

I lay there for many days with only a bowl of plain porridge daily. It wasn't even porridge more like water with a few grains of rice.

As if having a time-lapse, the scene sped up and paused. Before it re-continued. If I recall correctly it has been a month plus since I had fallen and it was only then was I moved out to somewhere else. They had to wait it out till I was declared dead before being able to transport me.

Time moved quickly again as I saw myself running errands for my so-called parents. I was forced to deliver drugs, poison, money, test weapons and many other shits. They even micro chipped me so that they will always find me. I couldn't run.

Doing things, even when I was a minute late or a second late I would be punished. Caned, beaten, starved. My dad would even just hit me for no reason at all, just for "fun". I was treated worse than a pet.

My parents were like the devil, evil and cruel yet outside they put on a face. I've seen it all. The fake tear stricken face when my death was spoken, the look of vulnerability when someone mentions my name, fake.
All fake.

They honestly should have won like a million oscar awards already. Such talent *slow claps*

Without even realising I was already seeing my younger self planning my own escape. Taking the money and two small knives. One hidden in my shoe and one at my waist area, I ran out.

As fast as lighting and as fast as my legs could carry me, I dashed into the night. Ducking into an alleyway, coincidentally I knocked into five guys. We exchanged glances, and while one of them was about to say something but I just stabbed myself in the arm. (I bet they don't see that every day)

One of the dude's eyes widens as he went, "What the fuck are you doing!"

Ignoring his sudden outburst, I ripped off the micro tracking chip implanted in me before stepping on it multiple times and setting it on fire. (I swear to god I saw their eyes widen and their mouths dropping open when I did that)

And that was how my new life and journey began. I swore that they will pay. They will pay back what they've done to me and a hundred times more.

With that, everything turned black as the scene faded away...

Feeling like a surge of electricity through me, I jolted as my eyes shot open!


Author's note:
Here's a little background information. It probably doesn't answer everything or maybe it gave you all more questions, but you guys will know all in due time.

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Stay happy readers! (・´з'・)

My exams are finally over!!!
And I didn't miss any updates!
I'm proud... π_π

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