Sick day

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A beam of sunlight hit my face waking me up. I didn't want to open my eyes yet as they still felt quite heavy. It also felt like I just woke up from a really deep sleep that seemed like it took a whole year. I sat up stretching while slowly opening my eyes. It took me few seconds to adjust them to the bright light, but once I did it, I could clearly see all of my room. That's when I noticed Kakashi sleeping with his face and arms on the edge of the bed not far from me while the rest of his body was slagged down on the floor.

 That's when I noticed Kakashi sleeping with his face and arms on the edge of the bed not far from me while the rest of his body was slagged down on the floor

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This was the first time I ever saw him looking this peaceful and calm. I slightly blushed thinking about that, but I quickly tried to brush that off. Considering that this was my home, I decided I should wake him up.

"Kakashi?" He didn't respond so, I tried again. "Kakashi, wake up!"

He slightly groaned as he started to wake up. Soon enough he raised his head from my bed and stared at me with a blank expression. It seemed that he wasn't quite there yet after just being risen up. It took him few seconds to fully wake up and get a grip on his surroundings.

"Oh. It's morning already." He stretched his hands up trying to awaken his muscles, from what I imagine not the most comfortable sleep.

"Yeah. What are you doing here in my house?" I asked for an explanation.

"I brought you back here after you passed out yesterday from the alcohol." He explained.

"Oh.. But how did you know where exactly I live and how did you get in." I continued to interrogate him.

"I knew where you live for a while now and I got in by using your home key that I found in your pant pocket."

"I see.. Then.. Why did you stay here and didn't leave when you brought me back?" Somehow I was starting to feel my face warming up a bit again.

"Well, I would have already left but you ended up grabbing my arm once I placed you on your bed so, I had no other choice but to stay here."

Hearing that, my face heated up even more. I couldn't believe that I actually did that. This is so embarrassing.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you're sick." Kakashi frowned in concern most likely mistaking my embarrassment for sickness.

"Ohh, yeah! I'm fine!" I tried to reassure him while giving a big smile even though my face was still red.

"Hm.. Let me check." He didn't believe me.

I'm really fin-" I tried to reassure him again but I couldn't finish my sentence as I noticed him leaning forward and pressing his lips to my forehead. This again made me even more flustered.

Once he pulled away he seemed to have a concern look. "I think you should really check your temperature properly, because, to me, it seems like you do have a fever."

I agreed to that hoping this will make him leave once he finds out that I'm actually fine. I took a thermometer from my bedside desk and took my temperature. Once I looked at the thermometer I was surprised that I actually had a small fever.

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