Where's Camila?

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~Time skip to Cami being 8 months pregnant~

I rushed to the phone and dialed Lili's number

"Hey Lili, is Cami with you?"

"No, why what's up?"
"She went to the store about an hour ago and still hasn't come back, and she's not answering any of my texts"

"I'll be right down to your apartment and wait until she comes home"

"Okay thanks"

Lili knocked not even a minute after I ended the call.

"I tried calling and she doesn't answer me either"

"Let's go to the store to look for her, I feel like I'm being paranoid but I feel like somethings wrong"

When we got to the store Cami's car was outside and all her stuff was in the car along with the keys being in the ignition

"What the hell, Cami would never do this on purpose, someone has to have taken her"

"Cami is a celebrity, you're looking at a wide pool of people"

"Yeah but I know one person who could do this but I don't know how its possible"

"Daniel? But he's in jail so that can't be"

"I'm calling the jail, maybe they can give me information about if he's still there"

"Hi this is a relative of Daniel Rodriguez, I was just wondering if there was any possible way I can talk to him or if you have visiting hours?"

"Yes we do but unfortunately Daniel escaped 2 days ago and authorities haven't been able to locate him"

"Oh wow okay I didn't know that, thank you very much"

"Lili Daniel escaped, he took Cami I know it"

Just then I got a call from an unknown number

"Hi Kj, just wanted to let you know that Cami is looking beautiful today"

"What the hell, what did you do to her"

"Nothing, yet, but if you want to ever see Camila again you need to bring me $1,000,000"

"I'll give you whatever you want but please don't hurt her or our baby"

"I want my money by tonight, 10 pm at the park near your apartment building, when I get my money I will text you Cami's location, oh and no involving police, I'll kill her if you do"

"Lili I have to get help from the police, I have no guarantee that he won't take the money and take Cami too"

"Let's go, we're in this together because Cami is like a sister to me and we're getting her back"

We sped to make it to the police station before more time passed

"I'd like to speak to someone about a kidnapping"

"Okay, sir, what's the problem?"

"My wife was kidnapped and they called me asking for ransom"

"I'll get a detective"

"Thank you"

"Okay Mr.Apa, so what we're going to do is since he didn't block the call we can trace it to the location of where he is and where he was when he made the call. When you go to give the ransom police will be there ready to arrest him and another set of police will go to the location of where we believe Mrs.Apa will be"

"Got it, just please don't let that bastard do anything to her, or to my baby"

"We'll try our best, now act natural and go deliver that money tonight, we promise to get you your money back once we detain him"
"The money is the least of my concerns, my wife and daughter are"

~Meanwhile at Daniels warehouse~

"Please just let me go Daniel, why are you doing all this?"

"Because Camila, KJ took everything that was mine, you, the fame that came of being with you, that should be my baby"

"You destroyed me, Daniel, you abused me physically, mentally, and sexually"

"Well it's what a slut like you deserves"

"Let me go home"

"No you are never going back to that asshole after I collect the ransom money I'm keeping you and our baby and we're going to leave to South America or something"

"My baby, not yours, and you won't, KJ won't let you?"

"And what's gonna happen? He's alone so no one can save you. Now go sleep, when you wake up tomorrow we'll be on a plane to South America"

"Daniel, I feel this really sharp pain in my stomach please help me"

"NO! Suck it up"

"Please Daniel I think I'm bleeding, somethings wrong with my baby"

"I don't care, we'll see a doctor when we get out of town"


"Alright Lili and Cole, I'm leaving to take the money, I'll call you as soon as anything happens"

"Please be careful, I want you and Cami here home safely tonight"

"We'll be fine, if everything goes as planned we should be back home by midnight"

*So the chapters are getting shorter because this book is unfortunately almost ending. About 2 more chapters left before the finale. I will be starting a new one once this one finishes. Thanks for the votes and comments! xx*

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