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360 21 29

Now showing private messages between Legiqn and RoastMasterV2

Legiqn: you got some real nerve

RoastMasterV2: kinda helps that I don't fucking care anymore, honestly

Legiqn: if you don't care anymore then what's the point?

Legiqn: just leave me be, and you can go back to your regular life, Ev, like me and Lucas never fucking existed and your life has been perfect since the beginning

RoastMasterV2: why are you so scared

Legiqn: scared? Of you? Why would I be scared of you?

RoastMasterV2: because you think I'm gonna back down, you fucking prick

RoastMasterV2: I warned you about this a long fucking time ago, so it's your own damn fault you decided not to listen

Legiqn: because you don't have the guts

Legiqn: you know, Ev, you need to actually have a spine in order to carry out a threat

RoastMasterV2: you're all so predictable.

Legiqn: what the fuck are you on?


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and FuckBoi

RoastMasterV2: tell your boyfriend to watch his fucking back

FuckBoi: didn't you block me??

RoastMaster: I've got big plans, Lucas, and I don't care about the cretin that decide to get in the way of them

RoastMasterV2: listen to me or don't, see if I care

RoastMasterV2: CheckMate.



Kryoz: hey what's up guys imgonnaaddlucas'friendisthatokaycoolthanks

WildHoe: wtf-

Fitz has been added to the chat.

ChokingIsMyKink: oh, it's him

Four07: one of lucas' pet snakes


WildHoe: y'all read something?

ChokingIsMyKink: 'course not babe

Kryoz: guys don't be rude he's cool

WildHoe: and we should trust you why?

Kryoz: because I know where you fucking sleep

ChokingIsMyKink: you can just stay at my place babe

Moo: we get it you're dating let's move on

BasicallyIGetFucked: where tf is Brian

Kryoz: why do all the couples text in pairs istg

DaithiDePrivilege: me and Scott don't do that

Four07: yea

DaithiDePrivilege: oh fuck

Four07: oh fuck

Fitz: love the couple goals but I'm being serious

Fitz: you guys are Evan's friends right?

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