CH 18//Coffee Shop

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When Charlie woke up the next day, the first thing he did was find his phone to see if he got any messages from Alex. He turned it on to see about 20 more messages from his Dad and even 3 missed calls. He ignored those messages and looked for any notifications from Alex. There was one text sent two hours ago.

'Hey Charlie. My mom is sick with a high fever. The doctors supsect it's from over working. She'll be okay but she's ganna have to stay here for a bit. I'll be home later today but if your hungry please help yourself to some food in the fridge.'

Charlie was quick to reply.

'Hey Alex! I'm so sorry this happened. I'm here for whatever you need. I hope your mom makes a quick recovery❤'

Charlie sent the text and put his phone in his pocket. He stretched while giving a yawn. He made his way to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of ceral, lucky charms, and ate at the counter. Once he was finished he decided to clean up a bit. Whenever his mom was sick, he would do the best he could to help out around the house. He remembered trying to sweep when the broom was taller than he was, almost falling into the washing machine while doing laundrey, and tripping over the carpet multiple times when he would drag it outside to shake out the dirt.

He started with the counters, then moved on to the dishes. He swept the floor and even took out the trash. Next he moved onto the living room, which really only needed to be vacuumed. He went ahead and straightened up the pillows as well. As he wandered around the place looking for anything else to clean, he came across Alex's bedroom. He peeked inside and decided it wouldn't hurt to clean that up as well. He picked up all the dirty clothes and threw them into the laundrey basket. Now he had a floor! After that he made his bed and straightened up his bookshelf. By the time he was done he heard the front door open.

He popped his head out the door to see Alex taking off his shoes at the door. He walked up to the blonde and gave him a small smile while waving. Alex looked up and smiled back, but it was a sad smile.

"Hey Charlie" He croaked. His eyes were red and puffy. He looked exuaghsted too. He noticed things looked a bit different and looked around. "Charlie?...did you..." he looked over at the boy with a questionable look. Alex didn't need to finish his sentence. Charlie gave him a big smile and nodded his head. "Oh, you didnt have to do all this". Charlie shrugged, still smiling. Alex smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you...Did you eat?" He asked pulling away. Charlie nodded. Just then Alex's stomach started to growl. Charlie knew he didn't eat dinner last night, and he most likely didn't eat at the hospital. He took Alex's sleeve and took him to the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry.." Alex said. Charlie gave him a look that said 'really?' and handed him a box of ceral, the Lucky Charms from earlier. Alex sighed and took the box. "Alright, fine" He said. Charlie smiled and got him a bowl and spoon. Alex got the milk and prepared his bowl. The two boys sat at the counter together, both kept their phones out so they could talk.

While Alex was eating, sure enough Charlie sent him a text.

'Hows your mom?'

"She's...fine I guess" Alex said looking down at his bowl. "But if she keeps doing this to herself she's not ganna be..." He slowly stired his spoon around his bowl a few times. "I'm ganna go into town and see if I can get a job..." he looked up at Charlie "You wanna come with?" Charlie smiled and nodded, then sent him a text.

'You should apply at that coffee shop. I saw a help wanted sign while we were out walking the other day'

"Really? Cool, thanks Charlie!" Alex said excited. He ate the last few bites of his ceral and places his now empty bowl in the sink. Charlie put the milk and ceral away, then they both put their sneakers on and headed out the door, straight for town.

As they were walking, Charlie's phone went off. It was his Dad again. He sighed through his nose and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Alex wanted to ask who it was but didn't want to intrude.

Eventually they arive at the coffee shop. It was a cute small building consisting of brick walls and plants on every table. The two boys went inside and found one of the workers at the counter. Alex took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off his hands. He felt his phone vibrate in his hands and looked at his screen.

'You can do this!' a message from Charlie read.

Alex smiled and looked up at him. "Thanks" he said. He took another deep breath and headed straight for the counter and had a seat at one of the stools. Charlie sat down next to him. A women with short curly brown hair and hazel eyes looked behind her and smiled at them. She looked to be about their age. Her name tag read "Katie"

"Hiah!" She greeted. "What can I get for you guys?"

"Actually" Alex started "I um..was wondering if I could apply for a job here?"

"Oh, of course! let me talk to the boss and he can probably take you in for an interview right away! Be right back". And with that, Katie dissapeared around the corner.

"Interview?!" Alex whispered to himself. He wiped the sweat off his hands on his jeans again. Charlie quickly typed on his phone.

'You'll do great! Just be honest and everthing will be fine'

"Thanks Charlie.." Alex said already feeling a little better.

'This your first time aplying for a job?'

"Yeah actually.." Alex said sounding a little guilty.

'Whats wrong?'

"Well...It's just...If I had stopped playing around and gotten a job sooner..then maybe my mom wouldn't have gotten sick like she did..."

Charlie frowned and started to type again. 'Alex, don't blame yourself. Her condition is out of your control. Please don't be so hard on yourself'

Alex sighed but smiled a little. "Thanks Charlie...I'm lucky to have a friend like you". He hugged Charlie who happily hugged back. Just then Katie whipped around the corner.

"Come on in!" She beamed. Alex neraly jumped in his seat.

"O-okay" He replied. He looked over at Charlie once more. Charlie gave him a wave. Alex smiled and walked behind the counter, following Katie to the bosses office.

Fifteen minutes went by before Alex returned. Charlie looked up from his phone and smiled. He hopped off the stool and stood before Alex, waiting for the big news.

"I got the job!" Alex said excited. Charlie squeeked with joy and hugged his friend.

"Congratulations!" Katie cheered. "I'll be seeing you tommorow at three!"

"Thanks, Katie" Alex replied with a big smile.

"No problem! But I don't think I got your name.."

"Oh, Alex" He said sticking out his hand. Katie smiled and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Alex. Can I get you boys something before you go?"

"I'm good, you want anything Charles?" Alex asked. Charlie blushed at the nickname and shook his head. "okay, see ya later Katie" Alex said waving as they walked out.


Alex hopped down the three steps and cheered "Yes!" once he got to the bottom. "I did it Charlie!" Charlie giggled and walked beside him, typing another message for the blonde.

'We should celebrate!'

Alex smiled. "How bout brownies? We can make them at my place". Charlie nodded enthusiastically, but his smile quickly faded when he saw a familiar truck pull up right next to him, and out came his Father.

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