Chapter 23

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Triggerwarning: rape and smut (I'm so sorry)

Race POV
As I enter Brooklyn I see one of Spot's Newsies walking towards me angrily. "What is you's doin' 'ere Race." I groan, pushing the boy out of the way.

"Leave me alone Silver, I 'ave betha thin's ta do." I say to the boy, ignoring him. 10 minutes later I walk into their Lodging house, filled with around 35 Newsies.

"Eh! Look who's 'ere!" I hear one of them say. "Where's Spot." I say to them, once again ignoring the comment. "And why would we tell ya." Silver asks, standing behind me now.

"Because Howler is gone and probably beaten ta death at tha moment. So if ya will do me tha honour to tell me where the fuck Spot is."

Silver looks at me for a few seconds before nodding and telling me he's in his room. I turn around and run upstairs, bursting into the room of the king. "Ya gotta help me."

"And why would I do tha?" Spot asks, raising an eyebrow. "Because Howler, my goil, is gone. She went ta 'er dad who abused 'er when she was little. I dunno what he or Mike is gonna do and I have ta admit, I's scared. Besides, Jack refuses ta help me."

I see Spot looking at the ground, deep in thoughts before he slowly nods. "Alright, I help ya.

Howler's POV
As I arrive at the Refuge I was being pulled into Snyder's office. "Sit." He spits at me, pointing at the chair infront of his bureau.

I hesitate for a moment before sitting down. "If you move only one limb you're gonna have it girl!" He spits again before walking out of the office.

I could run, this was the moment I could get up and run. But I was to scared to what would happen if I did so. So I stayed still until someone else came walking into the office.

"Well hello darling, Snyder asked me to take you to your 'room'." I looked up and was met with Mike's eyes. I swallowed my fear, looking down again. "And why would I listen ta ya?" I ask him.

"Because if you don't your time here wouldn't be any better." He says threatening. He grins when he sees me getting scared and pulls me out of the chair. We walk upstairs towards a small room I remember all to well.

"Your father asked us to give you this room, it's a pleasure." Mike says, pushing me into the small black room I was almost beaten to death. Mike walks in after me and closed the door before lightening a small oil lamp.

His eyes are full of lust and anger and I can't help but start to tremble. "Now I waited long enough for this." Mike says, locking the room behind him. "Mike stop it will ya, you's not yaself. Imagine yaself, with a goil who loves ya as much as you love her. It can be ya first time with her, ya can have a family. Don't trow that away." I say to the boy, hoping he would gave in.

"Oh you think this is my first time?" He says with a laugh, walking up to me. I start backing away as far as I can until my back hits the wall. "Mike, please don't do this."

"Oh shut it Maddison, you're gonna do as I tell you, understand." He asks, threatening. "Bu-"

"You understand!" He yells, slapping me across the face. I nod slowly, looking at the floor. "Good." He says before starting to kiss me, I feel his tongue licking my lip, asking for entrance. I ignore it and see Mike starting to grin.

"Oh are we gonna play a game." He says, grabbing my boob, making me yelp. He grins again as he get's the entrance he asked for. His tongue starts exploring every corner in my mounth until he starts kissing my neck.

His lips search every spot, leaving marks as he does so. He takes the time to look at me and smiles evillu. "Undress me." I swallow, remembering the promise I made earlier.

So I do as he said, starting to unbutton his blouse in the small dark room. The cloth falls on the ground and I unzip his pants, leaving him in only his boxers. He laughs softly as he also starts undressing me, leaving me in only my underwear.

His hands start touching every inch of my body, his hips against mine. Eventually he pushes me on my knees, I let out a scream, finding my balance as I sit infront of him.

"Suck." I feel my cheeks light up, tears streaming down my cheeks as I look up at Mike. "Please no."

"I said suck, bitch." I shut my eyes closed as I slowly pull down his boxers. I hesitate for a second before I take half of his length in, slowly sucking as he asked me to do, feeling the precum dripping into my mounth.

I hear him moan above me, telling me to go faster. "Ah shit." I hear him moan eventually before he pulls me off of him. "I'm not ready with you." He takes of my underwear, pinning me against the floor as he grins at me. "This can hurt a little." He says before pushin his length into me.

I let out a yell of pain causing Mike to just- laugh...

Words: 930
Omg I'm so sorry! This was so bad! I- this is.. like terrible
~ Alex

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