Chapter Eleven

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|2 years later|


Right now me and Asad playing 2k and this nigga mad that he keeps getting his ass whooped.

"MAN HELL NAH YOU CHEATING CUZ". He yelled standing up

"Bitch you just mad that I'm beating yo ass". I said laughing as Jewels walked through the door with my kids

"Hey baby girl, Wassup son, and hey daddy baby". I said kissing Chanel and aj's forehead as I grabbed our 4-week old son

"These kids were hell they need they ass whooped". She said causing me to laugh as I walked back into the living room

"what they do". I ask taking a seat and asad took Kameron from me

"This one right here she something else, we as in the store and this little girl bumped into her and she gone say bitch watch out and then the girl's mama was trying to pop slick at the mouth and almost got her ass whooped". She said as I shook my head to keep from laughing

"She had you fucked up huh niece". Asad asked laughing

"All the way". Chanel said nodding her head and that just took me out right there I could not stop laughing

"Chanel imma beat yo ass man don't be cussing people kids out". I said and she shrugged pulling out her iPad

"So what Aj do". I ask looking over at him as he pressed buttons on the controller

"That little badass boy went around grabbing girls asses and then ran to me laughing". She said shaking her head with a sigh

"My nigga got to get him started early". I said slapping hands with Asad

" um hell no". Jewels said with her faced scrunched up

"man what". I ask smacking my lips

" I think you did enough with teaching Chanel". She said causing asad to fake cough as I looked at her

"What". She asked looking confused

"What the fuck was that supposed to mean". I ask looking at her upside her head

"I'm just saying you did enough with Chanel she's cussing and being bad and you're making it seem like it's okay". She said as I nodding listening to her

"Don't tell me what to do with my kid that's my daughter not yours". I said pointing over at channel who was standing there looking said

"yo bro chill out don't say that shit". Asad said shaking his head

"no it's okay since she's not my kid let me take my kids and go". She said standing up and grabbing Kameron and aj walking out

"Why would you say some shit like that man you been taking care of this girl so that is her mother". Asad said as I let out a sigh running my hand down my face

"Go check on that girl and apologize". He said pulling out his phone as I stood up and walk to the back

"What you doing man". I ask watching her walk back and forth packing things into a suitcase.

"what does it look like I'm leaving". She said pausing for a second before going back to packing

"look I didn't mean that shit that I said down there". I said walking over and grabbing her hands

"if you didn't mean it then you wouldn't have said it". She said and I shook my head

"man I didn't mean it you know Chanel is your daughter". I said and she rolled her eyes looking at the Aj

"Take Kameron to uncle Asad". She said and he nodded pushing his stroller out of the room

"Who taught him that". I ask looking over at her

"I did but back to the topic at hand don't ever in your life downplay what I do for Chanel because I don't have to do it I do it so that she doesn't feel left out from not having a mother". She said and I nod letting her know I understood where she was coming from

"Alright man, I hear you". I said kissing her

"Let's lay down and chill for a minute just me and you while Asad handle the kids". I said and she nodded smiling before walking over and closing the door

Walking over to the bed she gets in and I follow behind her.

I need to watch what I say...


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