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I'm truly sorry but I just can't do this anymore as you all know this was suppose to be the last chapter and everything but I just can't right now 😔

I've let you all down and for that I Apologize 😑

Don't beat me up ✌🏾

Don't beat me up ✌🏾

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In sorry I love you guys still


Sike bitch all y'all gimme them muthafucking necks

Sike bitch all y'all gimme them muthafucking necks

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How all y'all looking right now 😂😂

Akikikiiki ima have it out by tonight don't worry 🗣👨🏾‍🦳

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Akikikiiki ima have it out by tonight don't worry 🗣👨🏾‍🦳


For all you bitches that skipped to the end 🖕🏾

Reflection | nbayoungboyWhere stories live. Discover now