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Stephanie POV
I got word of my brothers accident. Frankly, I didn't give a damn. He had kept a disgusting lie from his family, his own sister. He had been in the hospital for months. They were planning on arresting him soon as his ass woke up.

I went to the hospital and asked to visit. I walked in on him still hooked up to the machines. "I hope you're happy. You talked about saving my family with Dante when you only divided us even more. I won't forgive you for this." He woke up instantly.
"Steph... I'm. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do this. I did what I thought was righ.." I cut him off. *SLAP* "And this is what you deserve!" I screamed at him. My hand stung off of that slap.

Tears formed in his eyes. "You will never come around me or my daughter again. Nobody will EVER love you again." I walked out. A officer was standing outside. "He's awake sir." I said as I walked out of the hospital.

Connor was sentenced to life in prison with no bail for several accounts of abuse, assault, and 2nd degree murder of Hannah. Alexis got custody of Justin since she still was his wife. He never signed the papers. I visited them from time to time to hold Natalie, well Bianca. It was such a hard time.

Dante and Alexis ended up back together. Of course that would happen. Felicia, her mom, and Lola all went to jail also for accessories to a kidnapping. They later got out. The charges were dropped. Dr. Ferrell, well he got sentenced to life as well.

Everything turned out fine. Everyone went back to being like nothing happened. Except for one thing. I was pregnant. And it's Dante's.

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