A matter to discuss

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Teruteru stood, nervously combing his hair. Sonia sighed softly, her eyes downcast. Even nekomaru was quiet as a mouse. Everyone was silent, not speaking a word, tension grew in the air minute by minute, everyone's heavy breaths was about the only thing they heard, aside from the awkward chewing sounds of Byakuya and Akane. As Y/N took in the silence, she thought it was best to say silent too, fighting Thier leader would speak up, so she wouldn't have to. Nervously, Y/N and nagito took a seat by the window, the people who were late began to arrive as well. Those people consisted of Hiyoko, Ibuki, Kazuichi, Mahiru, Peko, Chiaki, Mikan, and of course Hajime, who immediately went over to the table Y/N and Nagito were at, and sat down in one of the chairs. Everyone was scattered all of the room in different places, glancing nervously at one another. Byakuya's demanding voice drew Y/N's attention to him. "Is everyone here?"

Chiaki, who was one of the only ones standing crouched down and put her hand above her eyes, scoping out the area. "Huh? It seems Fuyuhiko is not here yet."

Hiyoko, who was on the opposite side of her, giggled, covering her mouth trying to shush them. "Hehe, maybe he already got killed..."

"GYAH! DEAD BODIES ALREADY?!" Ibuki shrieked, putting her hands on her cheeks. Peko shut her eyes and shook her head in disappointment. "Don't go killing people off...I saw him outside earlier."

Y/N, suddenly infuriated at Hiyoko, stood up and pointed a finger accusingly at Ibuki. "Don't say such things...!"

Hiyoko smirked and slowly pouted at her mockingly. "Awwee! The fan-girl for the loser over there finally started to speak up! How brave!"

Y/N slammed her hand on the table and scoffed, her body twitching. "F-Fangirl? Loser?" She stuttered out. "Are you talking about Nagito?!" Hiyoko giggled again and gripped her long, pointy blonde pigtails, swinging them around from side to side as if she was just a child. "Of course I would be talking about him, you dumb bitch!" She continued. "I wonder if he thinks of you as that, too!" Nagito paused and looked up at Y/N through the corner of her eye, before glaring back at Hiyoko, his brows furrowed. "I dont. Let's just calm down and work together as friends."

Hiyoko took his last 4 words to advantage immediately, slowly walking over to the table all 3 of them were at. "Friends? Jeez, that sounded so lame. There is no way in hell im being friends with you! You really are a hardcore los-"

"Enough. Let me finish, and then you three can go have your private talking session." Peko glared at all three of them with intensity. Just her glare was enough to make Y/N sit back down nervously, glancing over at Hajime with an apologetic yet rough glare. "Now then...Fuyuhiko said he would not be joining us this morning."

Mahiru put her fork down and shut her left eye, putting a palm on her forehead. "Why does he have to act like a lone wolf at a time like this...?" Kazuichi's pointy teeth practically shined when he smiled wide, gripping his tacky beanie nervously. "C-Could it be...?" He continued. "...Is he thinking up a plan to kill someone by himself?"

Sonia held her hands in her lap as she stared at Kazuichi. "Kazuichi! You should not doubt your friend!" She scolded him. Kazuichi held a finger out. "Well, hes a Yakuza, isn't he? Do you understand what that means? He's a part of the Japanese Mafia!" Sonia Rolled her eyes and said nothing more.

"I presume he is the kind of person who would not come even if we summonses him...I guess it cannot be helped. We should just talk among ourselves. Someone can fill him in later.." said Byakuya, who crossed his arms in displeasentness, his head shifted towards the ceiling. Y/N nervously scooter around in her chair, anxious to what he would suggest next.

"Talk? What are we going to talk about?" Hajime asked, taking a bite out of his food weakly, as if he didn't even want to eat. As the whole room went silent, Byakuya silently chuckled to himself, removing his arms. "Rejoice. I have decided to throw a party tonight."

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