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⚠️: signs of PTSD, panic attacks and detailed descriptions of gore. <<all of which are contained solely to the section READER'S POV. Afterward, you should be safe! If I'm wrong, feel free to lmk and I'll happily make adjustments

📝: I sense people might complain about some stuff w/ yn this chapter but its all for good reason. I'm trying to squeeze in an character arc of sorts lmao

❓: Is this your first time with this series? [If so, welcome, I hope you're enjoying!] And if not, thank you so much for re-reading and what makes this series worth coming back to? 🤔 Either way, I'm flattered and happy to have you! <3


The truth lay before their eyes in a fiery explosion of violets and marigolds as their very world was ripped apart at the seams. It was here and undeniable; the thing they had sought so hard to find-the thing El had fought so hard to close. It was all for naught. All this time it had been tearing back open right under their very noses and welcoming back the darkest forces Hawkins had ever seen.

The two present survivors to recognize the sight turned to one another, their faces painted in the violet lights and horror.

"The gate," They breathe.

"I don't understand," Robin pressed to the Dingus Duo as they all fled back down the stairs. They had said something about an upside-down gate and she could have sworn she heard them utter the words 'we're so screwed'. Needless to say, she was eager to know more. "You've seen this before?"

When Steve answered, his voice was firm and grave. She wasn't used to hearing him so serious. "Not exactly,"

"Then what exactly?"

"All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin adds, earning a firm nod from Steve.

"It's really bad,"

"Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad,"

Robin halts, the others stopping around her. "And you know about this how?"

A new and weary voice cut in. It was Erica, who was eyeing a spot on the floor with a raise of her brow.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?"

In sync, everyone's eyes plop to the drying spot of blood on the grated floors; the only trace of the officer Steve had confronted. But no officer. In that instant, what seemed like the entire facility was bathed in flashing red light and wailing brass alarms-it perfectly matched the alarms going off in their systems.

It's Steve who jumps into action first, and when he does the others stand by in calculated silence. A mumbled curse hissed under his breath as Steve runs to the door through which they had entered. Something he wished he hadn't done-as he now found himself the subject of attention when he stuck his head through the cracked door for a peek. In retrospect, not one of his brightest ideas. Not that it would have mattered in the end-the previously unconscious officer to have seemingly vanished was already giving away their presence in that very instance.

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂³ || Temporary!Will Byers x Fem!Reader [...] ⇢𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now