Chapter 24 - Home

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"You did it!" Jay cheers, as we stumble down the stairs. Kai and Cole had joined us on our way down, and are equally as thrilled. I'm still leaning onto Lloyd for support, but I'm just glad that I'm the exhausted one this time, since he was the one suffering on the way up.

How long is it going to take before I get my energy back? I wonder, glancing at my hands.

And that's when I notice it.

I'm fading.

"You both unlocked your true potentials!" Zane says in congratulations.

"I am so proud of you, son," Misako says. "Although... you didn't fulfil the prophecy."

"Uh... which prophecy again?" Kai asks. "There seem to be a lot."

"The one about the overlord being defeated by the ultimate Spinjitzu master."

"You're right," Nya says. "Lloyd may have reached his full potential, but he didn't become the ultimate Spinjitzu master. The only way he was able to defeat the overlord was because of y/n."

Sensei chuckles. "Now do you believe me, y/n?"


"Ninjago really did have need of you."

I make note of the past tense. "Right... did."

"Y/n?" Lloyd asks.

"I... I have to tell you guys something."

I look up at Sensei for approval, and he nods.

"I'm not from this world," I begin. That sentence is met with confused stares and a couple of gasps.

"I came to Ninjago through... never mind. The method of travel isn't important. Anyway. I was born in another realm, and now that I've done all I need to do here, I think it's time I go back."

"What?!" Cole says, astonished.

"Ha ha, very funny. This is a joke, right?" Jay asks.

"So soon, sibling?" Zane says sadly.

Everyone starts asking me questions all at once, but Lloyd remains silent. That is, until I sneak a glance at those beautiful eyes.

"You're leaving?" he asks.

"I-I don't want to..."

"Then why?"

I swallow, then hold up my hand, which flickers as I move it, flashing blue and purple like a screen reading a damaged disc.

"I don't think I have a choice," I say.

He throws his arms around me, holding me as tightly as he's able, as if afraid to let me go.

"Lloyd... I can't... breathe..."

He lets go of me, but he doesn't stop staring. "Who's going to play board games with me while you're gone? Or read comics? Or come up with pranks?"

I gesture to the rest of the team standing around us. "You've got an entire family right here."

"Yeah, but... our family's not complete without you."

Jay sniffles and blows his nose into Kai's shirt. 

"Ew, Jay!"

"I'm sorry! I just hate goodbyes!"

With a laugh, Cole pats him on the back, then holds his arms out. "Come on, y/n. Bring it in."

I rush into his arms, and everyone else throws themselves on top of us in a group hug.

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