Chapter Twelve

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Wyatt left for the office I am sitting on the sofa not knowing what I am meant to be doing. I was sobbing and gasping for oxygen. When I did finally finish with my tears, I opened my bag that Wyatt placed on the bed and sorted my clothes out.

I walked around the house looking in all the rooms. I was stood in the garage and saw my baby. I smiled and walked around my bike touching the soft cold leather seat. I had to sit on it and get the feel of this amazing bike. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I closed my eyes and had a flash of me falling off a bike. I opened my eyes the tears fall. I want to remember I need to remember.

I walked back into the house saw another door and opened it I stood in amazement looking at hundreds of trophies.

"Wow. These are some trophies," I speak out loud while walking around the room looking.

I saw photos on the wall of a team and me holding the trophy. I am totally taken back by how happy I look. I carried on walking around the house and found an indoor swimming pool. All that I had seen was too much and overwhelming.

I am sitting in the lounge and it's decorated nicely with a hug chair and two sofas. I could see the photos on the wall and wow they must be the children that Wyatt said we had together.

I was looking at a particular one with a little boy in a wheelchair and I am knelt down with our heads touching on the side. I stared for a while wondering why this little boy was in a wheelchair. I could see Wyatt in him and the smile the little boy had was soothing. 

Looked intently at all the photos and when I saw identical twin girls my eyes opened wider. I saw another photo of a little boy who was standing with his foot on a football. I had to look closely because he resembles the boy in the wheelchair. On closer inspection, I could just make out the differences in hair colour only slightly though.

It was dinnertime I walked over to the kitchen and started to cook. I don't know why but I cooked for a lot of people. When I was done, I picked up a plate of food and sit at the table on my own.

I was sitting just staring at my food and moving it around with my fork. I was so alone scared. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Wyatt walk into the kitchen.

"You cooked," He says and makes me jump.

I looked up and smiled and looked back at my food.

Did we love each other? Was our marriage not what it should be? I was more confused than before.

I couldn't look at him I was too scared to talk just in case I said the wrong thing. My life is spiralling out of control and I have no way of stopping it.

Wyatt picked a plate up and sits at the table. I stared at my plate trying my damned hardest to remember. I slowly lift my head to look at Wyatt and he looks at me with no emotion.

"Wyatt, is our marriage a happy one? I just got a feeling that this doesn't feel right,"

He looks at me and places his cutlery down on his plate. He pushes his chair out slightly places his hands on the table.

"Riley before your accident I was being held by Warren for three months but before that, we were extremely happy," He doesn't even smile.

I picked my plate up and walked towards the kitchen counter.

"I am so confused to why he held you. I wish I knew who you were talking about," My mind was spinning, and I felt dizzy. My balance was shaky and then the next thing I knew I was on the floor shaking violently. Wyatt was stood over me.

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