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I'm so sorry for the late update. I know it's been a week. Shoot me.

*Hands you gun*

BAM BAM. That felt good didn't it? You got your revenge. I have a hundred tests that I need to revise for. I started my homework extra early yesterday so I could upload but then my art homework took me four flipping hours.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter


I grabbed clean clothes from my room and went to the Prefects bathroom. Obviously, I am not a Prefect, but I'm a rebel. Well, it was Lily that let the password slip to me. A Prefect owed Lily, as she had done them some kind of favour and in return she asked for the password. Me, Lily, Rory and Molly had decided to take it in turns to use the sought-after bathroom. 

Finally it was my turn. 

"Fudge," I said to the gargoyle which allowed me in.

The Prefects bathroom was absolutely heavenly. It was the size of a swimming pool and had dozens of different taps. There were about a hundred different types of hair care products, bath bombs and soaps. 

I stripped off my clothes, put them on the side with my clean clothes and jumped in. The hot water was absolute bliss, and I spent ages soaking, without a care in the world as well as experimenting with a few bath bombs. 

The water turned into different colours but had a lovely strawberry scent.

After my very long and relaxing bath, I felt much better and refreshed. I went to bed and started to think about a major prank that I would pull. It required some stealing and it was a very complex potion to brew not to mention it took a whole month. But the end result would be wonderful. I settled to sleep dreaming about all sorts of pranks I could pull in the future.

I woke up two hours early. I had planned this little prank during my sleep and now decided to do it in real life.

Professor DiCorn (or Murderer of Unicorns as I called him behind his back) was the previous head of Slytherin and was very biased. He hated Gryffindor and took every chance he could to make Gryffindor lose points and tried his very best to get us in detentions - often with the most ridiculous excuses.
"You're breathing too loud! Detention for 1 hour and 5 points from Gryffindor. "
As you can tell, he's pretty annoying especially to model students like me. He gave me a detention for answering all the questions, he claimed I was hogging the questions and being a barrier to the learning of other students! What absolute codswallop!

In Potions yesterday when he was covering for Professor Slughorn, Severus and I were the only students who were able to brew such a complex potion and not to mention I was first to complete it. You could only imagine how proud I felt.

He muttered to me, "You spilled some on the floor, clean it up, " and then proceeded to shower Severus with praise and compliments. Professor seemed to think I didn't exist because he kept repeatedly saying how wonderful Severus was and how he was the only one able to brew such a complex potion. I was scowling at him. Then he went and gave me a detention for giving him dirty looks. I admit that I did give him a dirty look but he had it coming.

The Slytherins were laughing and the other Gryffindors were angry at him. Me? I was already planning the pranks I could do to him.

I quickly transformed in to a fly and went through the small gap in the window of Professor DiCorn's room. I covered every single one of his clothes with pictures of unicorns and rainbows on them. I turned his dark beard neon orange, and hid all his shoes in a rarely used broom closet, and instead left him with only a pair of bunny slippers.

Satisfied with my actions, I flew out of his room and back to bed. I dreamt for the next hour about his reaction when he woke up, with a big smile on my face.

Lily woke me up by screeching in my ear which annoyed me. I jumped off my bed making sure to throw Lily off at the same time. We started wrestling each other on the ground with Mia and Rory commentating on each punch, hit or kick. It was quite funny because they kept making jokes.

When our little fight had ended me and Lily both had faces filled with purple bruises not to mention our arms and various other parts of our bodies.

Mia and Rory kept teasing us about our appearances. Once we got downstairs the Marauders decided to trapeze down and head towards us which made me scowl. They immediately darkened my mood.

James burst in to a fit of rage when he had seen Lily's battered face. Taking no notice of my bruised face he immediately started shouting about what he would do once he found out who did that to her.

Stupid git. Thinks he can beat me up, I could easily leave him on the floor writhing in pain - oh no I need to stop being so violent. Maybe I should sign up for anger-management? Pfft no, who am I kidding? The day I sign up for anger-management will be the day I don't get Outstanding in a test.

Lily being the cunning girl she is, took advantage of his rage to  get her revenge and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, told James it was me.

This surprised him. A lot. Not to mention the other three they all looked at me in disbelief and scrutinized my bruises before looking curious.

"Lily and me decided it would be fun to have a wrestling match this morning but we got a little carried away," I said referring to the bruises.

Once that was all cleared up we headed off to breakfast. I was already waiting for Professor DiCorn.

One thing that I was not prepared for was a big howler which landed directly in front of me.

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