Chapter 20

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You stared at Hoodie who held the frowning mask. You Couldn't tell any reaction until his voice sounded very concerned, "Are you ok?" 

You laughed softly, "Yeah." You smiled and crossed your arms.

Hoodie shrugged and turned on his heals, heading the total opposite way than you.  "Can you drive?" Hoodie asked as he turned and started to walk backwards.

"No. I've never learned." You lied as you looked behind him and seen a tree. He was gonna run into a tree. "Oh come on, its not that hard-" Hoodie cut off as he ran back into the tree, hitting his head in a branch as well.

You started to smile, and soon laugh as Hoodie rubbed his head, "What, no fair warning?" Hoodie laughed softly as he stepped forwards a little bit before turning. Smart move because if he turned around and walked straight from the side, he would have hit his head again.

You laughed loudly and smiled brightly as you heard a door open, "Hey!" Toby shouted as he ran twords you both. Hoodie took no time to react and pulled you, "Come on!"

You stumbled but ran and seen a car sitting in the gravel drive. Hoodie opened the back door and didn't say a word as he got inti the drivers side. You knew to get in an shut the door, quickly let alone.

The moment you slammed the door, the car locked and you looked out the window, jumping since Toby was right in your window, "Come on unlock the door!" Toby sighed out as he trued to open the door.

"Sorry bro, you are wanted, same with Tim. They know you all's face." God due chuckled as he started the car and took off, Toby trued to keep up, but failed and you could hear him swearing and cussing up a storm as you both drove away.

You laughed softly as you turned back and seen him throwing a fit.

"He acts just like a child." Hoodie sighed. You looked back to hoodie, who is I the front and noticed, he took his mask off.

You seen his messy brown hair sitting perfectly around his angular yet oval face. His dark brown(?) eyes watched the road as you turned onto a busy street. His nose was slightly angular from the side, his lips were rather thin and light pale pink. His skin was almost perfectly white yet he was just in a major need of a tan.

"Can you not stare?" Hoodie asked as he drove, you blinded and laughed nervously, "I'm sorry, I've never seen your face."

"That's fine but, don't call me Hoodie while we are at the jail. It's Brian." Hoodie- er- Brian said as he started to speed up, you could tell he was in a rush.

"Well... Brian. Could you tell me about the "school" thing?" You hummed out softly as you leaned back and turned your head and looked out the window, watching electric poles and trees fly past.

"Oh, well since you have to be in school, and for us to do the plan, the best time is in the morning while there are very little guards. We had Ben rig up a fake online school, making it seem like it is real. You will, no matter what, pass with straight A's." Brain explained. "Also, check under the seat. There should be some makeup for you to cover your... Marks." 

You nodded your head as you looked back at Hoodie- Brian. He held a look of sorrow. You took no mimd to it and checked under the seat finding a "match perfect" concealer. It was white, don't know why. Some eyeliner, mascara, and a little mirror.

You started with the foundation and put it on, it started to match perfectly to your skin. Next the eyeliner and mascara. It was a quick process, and a bumpy one as well.

"Did... Did E.J actually ask you to tell us not to hurt you?" Brian asked as he turned down a street.

"Who?" You questioned as your brows knitted together.

"Jack." Brian laughed softly, "E.J stands fir Eyeless Jack."

"Oh... And yes." You said plainly. "I bet he does that all the time."

"No. Actually." Brian said as he peaked back at you through the rearview mirror then back at the road.

"I call bullshit." You mumbled, "Well... How long has he actually been in there?"

"About... 4 years." Brian hummed out, turning down another street, "Are you hungry?"

"A little, and he told me 20 something years." You laughed softly as you looked out the window and noticed Brian turn into a (fast food place).

"That's E.J for you." Brian smiled as he pulled into the empty drive through, "What do you want?" He asked, looking back at you I thought mirror.

You rambled off your order and Brian ordered it, along with a lot of other food but you didn't question it. After the whole drive through paying and getting through food you both left.

Brian never handed you your food but continued to drive to the Jail. Once you arrived, Brian parked and all that, but before you both went in, Brian handed you the little "flip phone".

You went in first and did your normal search and all that, Brian followed behind and said he was your brother. Brian got searched and had a switchblade taken away.

"Sorry kid, can't have this near him, ya know?" The mall officer laughed softly and he placed it aside, "You can get it back after you leave."

"That's fine, I forgot all about it since I always carry it. I tell little (nickname) here to carry one too but she never listens." Brian laughed and smiled warmly to the cop.

"Its not bad to carry one either." He gimme warmly as he lead you both to the elevator. "Can you handle I from here Miss?" The officer asked, even though you knew your way by now. You nodded and off your went.

After going down 5 floors and entering the very bland and cold hall, you went to Jack's room, his door was wide open and you could hear a ball being bounced.

You leaked around the corner of the door, seeing Jack bounce a little ball from the floor to the wall, back to the floor, to him. "You just gonna stand there cupcake?" Jack laughed, not even turning his head to look.

You nearly fell hearing him call you that but laughed, "Oh OK, fucking faggot." You smiled as you walked into the room.

Jack cought the ball and looked at you, his brows knitted as he smiled and laughed softly, "What did I do?"

You shook your head and sat besides him on the cold tile floor and smiled at him, "Nothing, I just couldn't think of anything."

"Why do you smell like... cologne?" Jack asked and raised a brow, soon leaning closer and smelled you a little more, "And... Water? Did you fall in a lake?"

You hadn't realized yet, Brian never entered the room but you continued to talk with Jack, "Yeah, I got water dumped on me."

"What about the cologne?" Jack asked, his voice laced faintly with anger.

"Your friends." You hummed out, since you didn't think you smelled like cologne.

"Oh really? They don't wear that kind." Jack grew angrier, "Let alone why would they have gotten that close?"

"Are you jealous?" You asked quickly after he stopped speaking. You face started to heat up.

"W-What? No." Jack's face faintly darkened as he looked away and crossed his arms.

"Ya know what, I'm done hearing this couple shit." Brian sighed as he walked in, making both Jack and you jump.

"Surprise fucker." Brian smiled as he he'll his arms open failure as if to show himself off.

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