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The clock was slowly ticking towards 11 am as I laid in my bed staring out the window, watching the rain dance against the glass. It's the first day in awhile I felt at ease and the rain added to that. I've loved the rain ever since I moved in with Aunt Toya. It brought me a certain amount of comfort like every bad thing, thought or action was being washed away and once the rain stopped everything would be better... it was never the case.

It would rain and I would still be alone.

It would rain and I would still be the reason Reggie is dead.

It would rain and Aniyah would still be gone.

It would still be the same now, it's going to rain and everything is going to be the same. The only difference is now I have Dash.

My sunshine piercing through the sky as it rained down on me.

He hated anytime I called him that, he thought it was corny but I noticed anytime I said it he'd smile. It was genuine and heart warming to see.

I did not get one text message, phone call or have someone bust in to my room and bother me since I've woken up and it was nice. I spent a bit of time with Dash before he peeled off to bring Quinn to her doctors appointment.

Carmelo's funeral was later in the day and although I protested to going dad said it was best we all showed up and paid our respects it looked less suspicious but until then I decided to enjoy the silence and pitter patter of the rain while it lasted.

"Roll over !" I smiled at King as he perched his butt into the air and fell on to his side and stood back up wagging his tail.

"You know what ?" I smiled grabbed a treat out of the bag. "Close enough, here you go."

I held out the treat to him and he Quincey devoured it and excitedly waited for more.

"Knock knock!"

My door sprung open causing King and I both to jump back startled.

"The fuck you jumping for?" KJ questioned as he walked in to the room and plopped down on to the bed. "What y'all in here doing?"

King ran over to KJ and instantly began growling and barking at him.

"Nigga what I tell you?" KJ grabbed King's head with both hands and pulled him in close as he spoke again."i said save that shit for intruders"

Despite my constant request not to KJ has been trying to teach King how to be a guard dog or more of an attack dog. Whenever anyone even says the word, attack, which surprisingly comes up often in this house King begins to bark and growl.

"Anyways... I got an idea I want to run past you." KJ let go of Kings head and he was finally calmed down, pounding around like the happy dog he is.

"You ain't wanna run it past dad?"

"Nah... this some shit I'm tryna do without a handout.. really earn my name as King." He stretches himself out on the bed a bit, his  arms stretched over his head.

"Actually... why don't you sit on the couch?" I asked, realizing after all the fun I've been having the bed was probably the last place he wanted to be laid up on.

"Why....?" He looked back at me until a look of recognition spread across his face. "What the fuck!" He sprung to his feet in no time. "You couldn't of said that shit before I laid there?"

"I just sort of thought you knew and didn't care.." I pursed my lips trying to hold back a laugh.

"That shit is disgusting... You don't wash ya fucking sheets?"

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