+++ Chapter 8 +++

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*-* No one's POV *-*

After Jay put the dead body in a large black plastic bag, he clean up the bloody mess and then went to Daniel's room. Daniel stopped him from going in by talking to him about what he had said to Hosuh on the phone. He then went into the bathroom after Daniel done speaking and take a shower. After that he and Daniel both hide the body and a hand mixer in a secret room underneath Daniel's tool shack. They both then went to sit on the livingroom and wait for Hosuh. Who arrived after about thirty minutes since their call ends.

Hosuh ring the bell and waited. Daniel open the door and greet him cheerfully and gave him a hug. Hosuh were quick to notice what Daniel is wearing on top of his head. Jay's beanie. He knew so well over the years that Jay didn't like it when people touch any of the things he owns, especially if its a panda related item, even if you're considered a close friend of his. So seeing Daniel wearing the beanie and Jay just stood there, not even trying to get it back or mad about it is quite telling for Hosuh. He already saw it for years how Jay always makes Daniel an exception for anything and everything.

'He would've get mad at me if I were the one who wears it.' Hosuh thinks to himself.

He did notice after years of knowing them. They have something, a chemistry of sort. Daniel and Jay knows each other longer than him. He had seen how Daniel broke up with someone because she keeps bad mouthing Jay. He had seen Jay beat up someone he was currently with because said person slapped Daniel on the face and calling him names. These two are definitely a package.

Why the two are nothing more than just friends is beyond Hosuh's mind. Especially since as far as Hosuh knows, they both are single right at the moment. Was the problem their gender? Perhaps. He does know Jay never see gender as a problem. He had seen Jay together with variety of people. But Daniel is a different case. He only ever seen him dating girls. And most of the time the same type too. Feminine, long hair, loves to cook and bake, fun, outgoing, girls. At least its what Hosuh knows from his perspective.

But of course. There's always more than one side to a story. As it should be.

*-* Jay's POV *-*

"Hosuh~! Glad you can make it!" Dan greet him cheerfully and gave him a hug.

Hosuh glance at Dan's head for a moment, probably noticing the beanie right away, then asked "So, the mixer?"

"Oh yea. I don't really know where it went."

"I blame Dan on it." I said as I poke Dan's cheek.

"Heeeeey..." he seems to be annoyed by both my comment and at what I just did.

Hosuh let out a sigh "Let's just find the mixer."

We search the kitchen for it. Me and Dan already knew it wouldn't be there. We search over and over again, saying we can't find anything. Finally Hosuh had given up and suggest to just buy a new one.

"Maybe you misplace it somewhere and it ended up getting thrown away."

"Yeaaa.... That could be it." Dan laugh awkwardly.

"Clumsy idiot." I said as I pull down the beanie to cover his eyes. A little revenge to what he did to me.

"Jaaaaaaay....!" Dan huffed and fix the position of the beanie.

Hosuh just chuckle at it then said "Let's go and buy a new mixer."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Let's get goin!" Dan's hyper way of speaking never gets old. And I hope it stays that way.

*-* Dan's POV *-*

We enter the store then Jay and Hosuh split up from me as soon as something catches their eyes. Great. Luckily this place is small, so at least it would be easy to look for them. I immediately went to small corner of the toy section which I believe is there mostly to entertain bored children that came to the store with their parents. I saw Jay stare at another panda plush.

"So, you want another one I see?"

"Dan." he turn to face me "Well, not really. I just look around."

I take the plush that he stare at seconds ago and put it in the shopping basket "You know that I wouldn't mind to buy it for you."

"I consider it as a bad habit for you to do this." he sigh but then smile a bit "You gotta stop doing this." he lean against a wall "Sure I like it but you're wasting money like this."

I roll my eyes "Jay, we both know exactly why I don't mind to spend any amount of money on either you, Hosuh, or myself."

"The amount of money isn't the problem. You're just... too nice to me you know?"

I honestly don't know what to say to that. I just smile and take his hand. Leading him around the store. He just follows silently. Like a lost puppy. Or maybe more like a baby chick following the mother hen. 

"Give me my beanie back." he spoke up all of the sudden, pulling away his hand.

"Nope." I laugh a little "Beside, you can literally just take it from me easily."

"I know. I just want you to willingly give it back."

"You're being weird."

He shrug "Just trying to persuade a man who knows how to do that to others so easily."

"Ha.. ha..." I laugh sarcastically in monotone.

We then found Hosuh who already have some stuff in his shopping basket, including a hand mixer that he showed me as soon as he saw us. We went to the check out and see that we mostly take some chips and a few beverage aside from the mixer and the plush. I pay up and off we go, walking back to my place. Which to be honest is quite far. But for some reason, these two friends of mine like walking. I'm used to it by this point.

We got to my home. We rest for a bit and just playing around before we start preparing for baking. Jay mostly just watch but this time, he help out just a little. Well, mostly because I don't want him to messed up anything. Then when we were about to use the mixer we just bought  (and I clean it already beforehand) didn't exactly work the way we wanted to. So we make Jay help us to mix up the ingredients to make a dough with a whisk.

An idea come to mind. This would gives us a reason to go back to that store again. I assume Jay think the same thing. Because me and Jay share a knowing look and give each other a small quick nod. We just need to make sure we went there at night. So we keep stalling and stalling. Just doing random things during the entire time we wait for night to come and making sure Hosuh stayed with us and will come with us to the store again. With this, we would be able to see directly, up close, on how this man would react when he saw Hosuh. Just need to buy a little more time until night falls.

[A/N: I'm not in a good condition. Rarely is for years. My way to cope is to listen to songs and watch other people's gameplay n such. Or writing stories. Any ideas that pops up in my head. Just like this one. Also, I don't think I'm that good at writing on 3rd person perspective yet since it looked like I just ramble a lot XD Lol ]

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