Typical Teenage Drama

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"Where's Yorak? I heard he has finally returned."

The hunter had taken his first decent shower in weeks at the knight's sanitary and changed into one of his uniforms before going to greet Hunk and catch up.

The cook had told him the time they stayed away, Lotor had bossed everyone around like his own subdicts and tried to steal more power from the prince. The king had stretched their stay in the castle due to the wedding topic still hanging, and Hunk had befriended the servant Romelle.

When it was Lance's turn to speak, Hunk instantly sensed the change in his friend, and once he knew about Keith he was both happy and worried. Mostly concerned due to the danger it meant and how quick and easily everything could go down of they were caught.

He still had his own doubts about this overly gentle prince he'd never seen with his own eyes - don't get him wrong, he trusted Lance enough to know he'd never date a bad person, but the person was the problem.

He'd seen Lance's heart breaking bit by bit with every heartbreak and didn't want the same to happen this time, specially when Lance, for the first time, seemed to be genuinely in love.

Dinner came, and he ate with Hunk before going with him to the royal table - he hadn't hunted anything from that dinner, but no one would ask him anyway. He needed to be there to see Keith.

But every royal member started eating.
And Keith wasn't there. Where was he? He was innerly panicking at the thought of him not being physically healthy enough to come down, or worse, what if he...?

He shook that thought out of his head. The king couldn't kill him, regardless of how much he wanted to.

But then the queen finally asked for Lance's own questions, and he kept his eyes nailed to the prince awaiting for his response.

" You have been told right, Honerva. He has returned..." He scowled at the wine in his hand before drinking. "Empty-handed. His mistakes are much bigger than the information he provided me. He showed lack of understanding regards duty and sacrifice, he will be grounded until further notice."

Lance's eyes widened as his insides twisted and clenched painfully. Grounded how? How? What had he done to his prince?

As the king took the glass to his lips he could spot marks of fire exposure on his hand, recent, marks. Did that mean..?

He dug his nails onto his own hands, clenching his teeth as his breathing increased. He would end him. He swore to god if he hurt Keith...!

Hunk's hand stopped him from doing anything stupid, giving him a reassuring look while trying to calm him down.

However, nothing on earth could've possibly stopped him from running out the room as soon as the dinner had ended and into the nursery, where he borrowed a few things before running to the forest with a bag.

The moment the moon was high in the sky, Lance had already taken certain plants and saved them along the medicine on his waist bags, pulled his mask up and carefully made his way across the castle walls.

Between the guard change, he snuck close to that certain tower, grabbed his iron arrows and started climbing the rocky surface pace by pace. His muscles still hurt from not getting enough rest those days and a few moments he felt like letting go, but he couldn't, not because falling from that height could be a potential death, but because he needed to check in what state his prince was.

He climbed and climbed until his hands impulsed him up the balcony and his feet touched ground again, making him sigh. He couldn't see very well from that distance, so he quietly pushed one of the doors open, stepped iin, and as the clouds moved to allow the moonlight hit the room...

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