The rest of the week

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The next day Sir Nighteye took you back to the agency. He offered to take you home but you want to stay! His agency is only two separate train rides away from your house but you'd rather stay at the agency overnight.

The agency is fun! You get to hang out with people older than you. And they're not only talking to you because they want a free drink! They give you tips on revision and Fighting.
They're all so strong and they all have such cool quirks.

Back at home you'd just be serving drinks or avoiding work. Here you're actually being productive.

Sir Nighteye has a briefing with you every other day. He asks what you've learnt so far and how you want to expand on that. He tests your quirk and notes your limitations. Several things have exploded due to messy teleportations but you're getting better. You're learning from all of this.

Apparently Mr Aizawa warned Sir Nightlight that you're a nuisance. He told you and stated that he agreed. But! He said it was Good! He likes your chaotic energy.

Running about at night is fun too. Wait no, Sir Nighteye told you to not call it 'running' because you're meant to be 'sneaking'

It was really funny. The other day just as you were about to leave to scout something out Sir NightLight hit you on the back of the head. You were confused as to why and his response was just,
"You'll see"
He has his kick ass future seeing quirk so you felt worried for a while.

You took extra ease in each step. You breathed as lightly as you could. You didn't even dare to talk.
However, after a certain amount of thin breathing you took a deep breathe. It was just as the group of villains you were watching over were about to talk about some juicy details.
You were in a dusty place, back allies are gross.
The dust happened to tickle and You Sneezed!

The villains heard and all ran off. You gave away your position along with everyone else's.
You understood why you got hit. You deserved it.

But it didn't make any of it less fun.
Sir NightEye's assistant, Bubble girl, recommends that you get a darker hero costume if you want to grow further in this agency.
There's nothing you could want more. She even helped you draw up some designs. Hopefully you can get them submitted soon so it can be adjusted.

You really like this agency. They're being soft with you at the moment. It's just because you're an intern. But once you get into this place for real, it's gunna be awesome. They might even let you into the super secret room! The one that's full of computers and maps and has two locks on the door!
However, the room isn't completely unreachable.

You may of teleported in while everyone was at Hosu. But you immediately felt bad and left. And you only teleported in because someone was about to spill water on you. You just did it so you wouldn't get wet.

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