Ch7: A New Friend

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Jimin lets a sigh escape his lips, warm water running down his body and relaxing his tense muscles. Oh how he hates P.E. class. Definetly not as boring as other subjects, but it was exhausting for no good reason. They would either play soccer or basketball, and Jimin hates both. He's not even good at them, so no one wants him on their team, which usually results in him sitting on the bleachers with some other kid in his class who no one knows exists. Not to mention the bullying in the changing rooms. It's always a pain in the ass with Jeongyeon either throwing remarks about his body or stealing his uniform, or P.E. training suit, whichever he finds.

But for some reason, today the coach insisted on him joining the soccer team. So there he is, showering after his period ended when he hears footsteps and some snickers. There's some sort of shuffling sound as the steps fade away again. Jimin's heart beats fasten.

Not again.

He slowly opens his stall door and peeks out, sighing when his doubts are assured. Both his towel and clothes are gone. For the third time. The first two times he was rescued by the janitor who borrowed him clothes from the lost and found, but this time, Jimin knows the janitor won't save him for he quit last week. So he stands still under the shower, waiting for some sort of miracle. The water starts getting cold; the heaters didn't work for long, but Jimin knows whether he turns the water off or not, he'll still freeze to death.

He hears the door open, and Jimin prepares himself. What will they do this time? They already have his clothes. They won't take photos of him naked, would they? His heart drops to his feet as the steps grow closer.

Jimin looks down and sees a pair of feet clad in some timberlands. He furrows his eyebrows. Timberlands? Jeongyeon owns nothing but some worn out blue sneakers with red patches on them.

A knock startles Jimin and he stumbles, regaining his balance as he turns off the shower.

"Umm... hello?" He hears a shy voice from the other side. It's a boy for sure, but he sounds... soft?

"Yeah?" Jimin replies, instinctively pressing his back to the cold wall behind him.

"Umm." The boy's feet shuffle with each other awkwardly. "I... I got you some clothes."

Jimin grows confused, lips forming into a pout as his eyebrows draw closer.

"Iㅡ I sawㅡ I saw some boys come out with a towel and some clothes. I know they're bullies, so I figured out they took someone's clothes. You can use my training suit. I didn't wear it so it's clean and umm... I have a towel, too. Do youㅡ Do you want it?"

Jimin's heart softens, a small smile making its way to his plump lips as he nods. "Yes. Yes, please."

He opens the door wide enough to stretch his hand out, and a soft material makes contact with it. He pulls his hand back in to see an Avengers themed towel. Chuckling to himself, he uses it to dry himself and wraps it around his waist.

When he walks out, there's a boy facing the other side. He turns around once the stall door opens, but he immediately looks down once he makes eye contact with Jimin, and shyly gives out his P.E. clothes.

The boy is taller than Jimin, with raven black hair that falls over his forehead and wide doe-like eyes. Jimin recognizes him as the new transfer student that no-one knows exists. Right, the one who sits with him on the bleachers.

It's silent as Jimin gets dressed and the boy waits outside, humming a tone to himself. The clothes are a size or two bigger than Jimin, but they're better than walking around the school naked, and for that he is grateful. The boy halts his humming once Jimin walks out, throwing a smile his way.

"Thank you," He says, "So much. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"It's okay," The boy replies with a small smile, "It's what anyone would do."

"Not really, no," Jimin chuckles before he stretches out his hand. "Park Jimin."

The boy takes his hand. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Thank you again, Jungkook," Jimin says, "I'll make sure to wash it and give it back tomorrow."

Jungkook hums, looking away.

Jimin purses his lips and makes his way back to class with Jungkook following silently. The boy is too quiet. Jimin doesn't know if it's just the way Jungkook is, or if it's because he doesn't want to be friends with him. No-one wants to be Jimin's friend. And it's only because he's "the bullied" and anyone who befriends "the bullied", becomes "the bullied #2". He doesn't mind, though. People have the right to be scared and avoid bullying.

"By the way," Jimin abruptly says, stopping right in front of their class' door. "Do you have an idea what they did to my clothes?"

Jungkook bites his lip before shaking his head, Jimin replies with a small smile and a nod, and it's the last time they interact this day.

When Jimin goes to Lee, she's quiet. Yes, she'd always been quiet, but there's this big elephant in the room, and it's almost suffocating. She often blacks out, and isn't screaming in his ears as usual.

"Are you okay?" Jimin pauses punching to say, looking at her with soft eyes.

Lee blinks once. Twice. Her eyes are on him but they're blank, then they go back to normal and she shakes her head.

"What did you say?" She asks.

"You really are not okay, huh?"

Lee scoffs, looking away. "The hell are you talking about?"

"You don't seen like yourself." He shrugs. "Is everything alright?"

"And how is that any of your business?"

"It's not. I just care."

"And why do you?"

"Do you always reply with a question?"

She rolls her eyes. "Only when your question isn't worth answering."

"You could've just said you want today off," He smiles, taking off his gloves. "You look tired for some reason. Whatever it is, don't stress too much about it. It's not worth it. I'll go home now, I havㅡ"

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" She cuts him off.

It falls silent.

"What do you know about my life?" She crosses her arms, chest heaving up and down rapidly.

Jimin shrugs again, shoving his gloves in his bag. "Nothing, actually. And I wasn't telling you what to do. It was supposed to be comforting words, but I kind of suck at it, so..."

"Keep your comforting words to yourself, kid." She glares. "We're not friends, got it? I'm your coach and nothing more, so keep your worry for your family and sh*t. I don't care about your personal life and you don't care about mine, am I clear?"

Jimin stays silent for a few seconds, zipping his bag and putting it over his shoulder before turning to her, face grim.

He nods. "Yes."

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