Black trailer

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The sound of scarlet leaves rustling on the forest floor. Blake was resting on a rock, watching red leaves drift down in the Forest.

Suddenly, a figure stepped from the brush. Her mentor (and self-proclaimed boyfriend) Adam Taurus. He was tall, with red hair, and wore a black tailcoat with red highlights. His eyes were covered by a small mask decorated with red patterns.

"Blake... It's time." The bull faunus said with a hint of coldness in his voice.

She slowly turns toward him.

"Okay." She said.

Before they could leave she noticed something and looked to see an eagle flying around nearby. She didn't know, but she has this feeling that they're being watched.

"Blake! Let's go." Adam shouted making her look at him. She looked up and saw the eagle gone. She took a second glance but she paid no mind to it and catches up with Adam.

Not far from them a large train rushing through the forest.

They ran through the forest, at almost inhuman speeds. They reached a cliff overlooking the valley, where a long railway ran through the middle. They were going to catch a ride. The horn of a train was heard from the end of the valley, and then the train sped down the track towards their position.

On Adam's signal, the two of them slid down the cliff-side. Adam was clutching Wilt and Blush in his hands, Blake had her hand on Gambol Shroud. The three jumped, and used their respective weapons to anchor themselves onto the train car, with the sound of screeching metal piercing their ears. When she got she heard a screech it came from the eagle she saw earlier flying next to them. She decided to ignore it, she had to stay focus on this mission.

Adam, and Blake then proceeded to leap the cars until they came across a locked hatch.

However, they weren't alone. The room was lined with squadrons of Atlesian Knights 130s.

"Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way." Adam said with a grim tone.

The room then lit up with their sinister red lights, as they sensed the two intruders in the room

Blake just rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be so dramatic."

Moving to assess the threat, one robot aimed at Adam, saying in a monotone voice, "INTRUDER, IDENTIFY YOURSELF."

Adam didn't say a word, and only gave a sinister smile, his eyes glinting with bloodlust under his mask. He then shot Wilt out of Blush, the katana's hilt hitting the android square in the face. Adam quickly ran up to catch the blade in mid-air, before slicing down through the Knight, cutting it cleanly in half.

The other robots looked to each other, then deployed their arm blades and running towards Blake. Blake stood ready, before leaping backwards, slicing two robots in half with Gambol Shroud.

Adam spun around to hit another robot behind him, just as Blake cut down one next to him. Adam began to fire Blush as a rifle, mowing down a few enemies, while Blake cleared the enemies surrounding them with lightning speed and cat-like reflexes

Surrounded by androids, the trio worked in seamless motion. It was very clear they were doing their own thing, but their movements were in perfect tandem with each other, neither interfering with their comrades, while also assisting them as metal parts began flying and robots were being shredded apart. It was a dance of death.

A robot began to fire at them, but Adam simply deflected the bullets with Wilt, as Blake cut its head off with her sword. Blake continued to destroy more opponents n front of her, before unsheathing Gambol Shroud and dual-wielded the sheath and the katana like two blades.

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