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I only got one vote lmao.

But there is going to be a sequel because I don't want to let this book go but I had no real way to continue the plot without ,as my past 1 year younger self stated, "spicy uh oh times"

This book honestly isn't the greatest but it's my baby so I'm going to try and redeem its childish and random nature by sculpting it into a better sequel that'll be a little more refined... hopefully.

Thanks all y'all who read this mess of a book and surprisingly enjoyed it. I will be releasing the sequel soon.

Thank you all!!!

(Also ew can you believe I had started writing this book like a year ago)

Until later have some quotes from me and my friends a year from now while this book was in process:

"So do you want power lines in this forest...? Hurricanes are very prominent here.."



"Hey wait I know someone who does that!"

"Yeah... Me."


"We're like two peas in a pod, this guy and I. One very large pea and one small pea"


"Grass? More like... drowned.."


"I am hummus."


"I am hot and wet"



*referring to me and when they had first met me*
"I thought she was a ten year old boy, I was surprised too."


"You have to bite it"



"Do you like batgirl"


"Yeah me neither"


"Well time to throw the whole skeleton away and start over"


"You must never surpass my height, foolish mortal."


"I'm already so compressed it's impossible to crush me further"


"You are officially cancelled."

"It's ok I have a good fan base I'll get a reboot"


And that is all good bye lmao

Also thanks for 2k+ reads!!!

Theatre Is A Lie ~ Joshua BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now