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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
( LUST ) 


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THE AVENGERS LOOKED UP TO THE SKY AS MORE CREATURES SPILLED FROM THE PORTAL. They looked way out of their element. "Guys." Natasha says warily as more and more chitauri came out of the portal.

"Call it, Cap." Tony said, everyone turned to cap as they waited further instructions.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out          patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or  your turn it to ash."

Clint nods and turns to Tony "Wanna give me a lift?"

"Better clench up, legolas." Tony grabs onto Clint and flies him up to the building.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up." Thor flies up.

Steve points to Eleanor and Freya "Stay in the sky, scope the portal and see if you can close it and anything that gets out kill it"

Freya and Eleanor nodded. Freya grabbed onto Eleanor and she flew them into the sky. "I assume you don't know how to fly" Freya questioned, flying higher and higher into the sky.

Eleanor looks at her confused and Freya smirks. Freya lets her go and Eleanor gasps in horror, her arms and legs move around frantically as if she's swimming but she soon realises Freya is holding her up.

"Bitch! Don't do that me! I can't fly!" Eleanor screamed, Freya chuckled and drew her spear. She threw it at a chitauri, it went through it's head and went through two other heads.

Freya turned back to Eleanor and smirked "Well nows your time to learn" Eleanor's face dropped as Freya waved her hand and the white glow around Eleanor disappeared, Eleanor screamed as she dropped from the sky.

Freya smirked and flew higher, she spotted a leviathan coming towards her. Freya grabbed her sword, she stabbed it in its neck and sliced its body as she flew higher. Her sword was covered in purple blood, she looked down at it in disgust. "Gross"

While she was distracted a chitauri flew at her, it used its weapon and shot her. Freya flew back but was stopped by a golden blue force. Eleanor flew up past her and destroyed multiple Chitauri using her powers. Freya regained her composure and flew up along Eleanor and fought side by side. "Now am I right or am I right?" Freya said cockily as she stabbed a chitauri through the heart.

Eleanor rolled her eyes as her powers wrapped around three surrounding chitauri members. She squeezed her fists and they exploded. Freya raised her eyebrows impressed as Eleanor showcased her violent side. Eleanor gave Freya a poisonous look that didn't faze Freya one bit. "I don't like you" Eleanor mumbled.

Freya rolled her eyes with a smirk "You and I both know thats a lie" Eleanor rolled her eyes and looked back up at the portal. "You think you can close it?" Freya asked.

Eleanor knowing full well she can't possibly close the portal; throws her hands up in the air and creates a force field, she tries to block the portal off but the power of the tesseract is too strong. "What about the scepter?"

Just as Eleanor said that Nat's frantic voice is heard through the comms "Freya! I need the scepter, we can close the portal!"

Freya and Eleanor quickly share a look, "Well you heard the woman" Eleanor exclaimed, Freya and Eleanor flew down to the Stark tower where Nat and DR. Selvig stood around the force field that held the tesseract. The second Freya and Eleanor landed Nat rushed over to them and snatched the scepter from Freya's sword holder on her back.

She holds Loki's scepter and slowly breaks into the force field, almost touching the Tesseract. "I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I  can shut the portal down!"

"Do it!" Steve yelled into his earpiece.

"No, wait!" Tony said frantically, stopping Natasha.

"Do you want us all to die?" Klaus asked.

"Stark, these things are still coming!"

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow  in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it."

Tony grabs it from behind, gripping it tightly.         With a mighty effort, he wrenches the rocket off its course. Steering it from behind, he accelerates quickly, flying straight up into sky, towards the portal. Freya, Eleanor and Natasha watch as he flies higher and higher into the sky.

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?" Freya questioned, but all she got was static. Stark disappeared into the portal and it wasn't long before suddenly all of the chitauri soldiers and chitauri leviathans fall.

The avengers look up to the portal, not sure if he'll make it through.

Still holding the scepter in hand, Natasha shifts around, waiting. "Come on, Stark..."

Eleanor sighs and continues to look up "Theres no way in Gods green earth is he going to make it back"

"Have a little faith" Freya retorted, she really did hope Tony would make it through.

A minute passes by of agonising silence, before Cap's voice is heard "Close it"

Without hesitating, Natasha sticks the scepter into the force field and successfully manages to turn off its energy beam. The portal starts to quickly close, but not before a small figure is hurled backwards into the open now closed portal. "Oh my God!" Eleanor exclaims in shock as Tony flies by them.

The girls leaned over and watched as he fell "He's not slowing down!" Freya exclaimed in horror. Just as Eleanor was about to use her powers the hulk snags him out of the air, both crash and slide down a building and land on the ground.

The girls stand in silence before Eleanor breaks it, "Did we just win?" She asked out of breath.

Natasha leaned against the concrete wall as she looked like she was about to fall over. Blood stained her lips as she quietly mumbled. "Yeah. I think we did"

Freya starts to laugh in joy, she smiled brightly at the girls "I want to do that again"

Eleanor and Nat laughed. Eleanor wrapped her arms around both of the girls shoulders and jumped up and down. "Guys we did it! We won!" She exclaimed in joy.

Nat and Freya shared a look as Eleanor continued to dance around in excitement. Nat gave her a wink that caused Freya to feel something she's never felt before. Her stomach felt weird and her cheeks were suddenly hot.

Freya craved the feeling of love, she was the Goddess of love after all. And maybe just maybe she might be able to find love in the unlikeliest of people. That being a broken, sometimes terrifying level-headed, Natasha Romanoff.

LOKI TIREDLY CRAWLS ONTO THE STAIRS OF THE STARK TOWER. After being badly beaten by the Hulk, Loki thought he was out of the blue in regards to the Avengers. But thats not the case, he takes a few breathers, senses someone is behind him. Or rather a few someones. He turns to find the avengers glaring at him, pissed.

Loki looks at them scared but attempts to hide it by joking "If it's all the same to you. I'll have that drink."

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓, natasha romanoff¹Where stories live. Discover now