Be My Daddy

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Right after my brother and I finished our breakfast I went over to Sage's place to continue working on my painting. I could already estimate that it would take me about two weeks to finish it, but I will work on it from home as well. The sketching was done. I did a few sketches on the paper just to get the idea and I will probably draw a few very light lines on the canvas with a pencil. This will help guide me.

This time I didn't sneak into his garden. Instead I knocked on the door and he let me in. We sat in the kitchen and he poured me some lemonade.

"I've missed these little moments." He told me while the cold drink refreshed my throat. I nodded in agreement.

"So what are your plans for this summer?" I asked curiously.

"I don't really have any plans. Maybe I go abroad but to be honest I'm super packed with work and there is some restoration that needs to be done on the upper floor of the house." The house he lived in was very old and houses like that required lots of upkeep.

"Please don't get workers early in the morning...I hate the noise while I sleep." I warned and it caused him to smile.

"Well perhaps it is time for you to start waking up early." He teased. "I rise early with the sun."

"There is a special place in hell for people like you." I joked and he rolled his eyes laughing.

We stayed chatting about random things for a little while and then suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. We looked at each other in confusion and it showed that he had no clue as to who it might be. He told me to stay where I was which alarmed me a little. I heard him open the door and say "You again!", and then a familiar female voice followed.

"You filed for a divorce! How could you?" A hysterical woman made a scene and I could hear Sage rush her in and close the door. Probably not to draw attention of the neighbours.

"Because I've been done with you for a very long time Diane! Did you sign them?" He raised his tone a little but kept calm.

"Why? Why would you possibly stop loving me?" She was crying and shouting, completely ignoring his question.

"Because you killed our child, that is why! Because you are mentally unstable!" Sage flipped at her hysteria and shouted back. The woman immediately fell quiet at the dominance in his voice.

I was still in the kitchen listening to everything and the part about her killing their child took me by surprise. Chill passed through my body. What was he talking about? And if she did kill a child, why isn't she rotting in prison? Lots of questions passed through my head and I had to find a way to ask Sage about it later. I mean now that I heard it he should explain something at least.

Since the kitchen was right next to the living room and the door of it was open, I saw Sage walk towards that small sitting area and take a pen. He went back to her but I couldn't see her from where I was so I walked closer to the door. I watched him take the papers from her hands, find the places which she needed to sign and hand her over the pen.

"Sign!" He said in a clear, determined tone. The woman sobbed shaking, and she took the pen to sign. She hesitated for a little looking at the papers and then at Sage, but Sage pierced her with his serious glance that she had no choice. She started signing the papers. Once she was done he took them and she dropped onto the floor. I couldn't help but find it all a little dramatic, but it showed that she was suffering. It was very obvious how she obeyed every time he demanded something. Probably she was his little pet too once.

At that moment Sage turned towards me and saw me leaning on the kitchen door. That drew her attention to me as well, and suddenly I regretted coming closer to see. He sighed and she slowly got up.

"Who are you? You are too young for him!" She spoke.

"I am his painter." I said grabbing and showing her my brushes and colours. It put her a little at ease and I technically didn't lie. I was in no mood for arguing so I avoided mentioning about what was going on between Sage and me. The last thing he needs right now is for her to make a scene about that too. I gave her a soft smile, apologised for interrupting and then proceeded into the garden to begin my work.

I kept my easel in a storage room which was accessible from the area I needed to paint so I set everything up, and began. I drew those few lines on the canvas, mixed a few colours and started creating my base. The flowers were really beautiful. He had all kinds, but the nicest were tulips and all coloured roses.

I spent about an hour over there and just as the sun started getting too strong, Sage came. "Everything alright?" I asked while finishing up the last few things for today. I let it dry and started cleaning my brushes.

"She left. I assume you have some questions you want to ask." He said referring to everything I heard. I nodded in agreement.

"Well, pack everything and come inside. I'll make you another lemonade." He turned and left.

After I packed everything and put it back into the storage room I went back inside. The only thing I took with me were my brushes and paints because I needed them at home. He waited for me on the armchair of the seating area near the piano, and I curled myself on the sofa. I liked how dark his house was. There was no unnecessary light.

"So you had a child?" I started off the conversation as he watched me with a serious expression on his face. He sighed.

"Diane has serious mental issues. Since her teenage years she's been going to many therapist, but that wasn't the biggest problem. That was something I accepted. However, pregnancy wasn't the best idea due to all that."

"So why did you decide to get a child then?" I asked.

"Well, we didn't. Due to all the medicine she was taking at the time, the effect of her contraceptive pill was lowered and she got pregnant. Abortion was something we both found cruel so we decided to give it a shot. The mood swings that pregnancy carried with it mixed with her usual mood swings got the best of her. We had a big fight one day, even though I avoided to argue while she was pregnant. She was in her fifth month when the fight happened, she took a knife and stabbed herself in the stomach. I immediately called the help and they managed to save her, but the baby died. After that the police investigated and it was proved that she stabbed herself so they locked her up into a mental institution. After a year they decided she could be let out, and that's when I started the process of separation. She seemed fine with that at first but after a few months of us being separated, she started making scenes like the one today. And worse..."

I listened in shock and couldn't believe the things I was hearing. She stabbed herself...and the baby?! I tried to figure out how she had the courage to do something like that and how messed up was she to even think of doing it in the first place... I told him how sorry I was and asked a few more questions. He answered to all of them but the above part was the most important out of everything he said. Also, he had a short relationship after he got separated but this wasn't anything intense. We spent about 20 minutes in complete silence and he let everything he told me sink in. I was literally scarred with the pregnancy part and I knew I would keep on thinking about it for a while.


Time went by and I decided to turn the atmosphere around. I got up and walked towards him, stopping right in front while he still sat on his armchair.

"May I sit on you lap sir?" I asked innocently and he swallowed then nodded. I made a happy face and sat on his lap purposely moving my butt as to make myself comfortable, but in reality I just wanted to get him turned on. Within minutes he got hard.

"You're doing this on purpose." He sighed.

"I don't know what you're talking about daddy."

And there it was...daddy. Even though I said it nonchalantly the moment was special. He looked at me instantly with some positive surprise on his face. I could tell that he felt something, and so did I. Calling him my daddy was a special thing and he was glad that I did, I know it.

A bit of a longer update. I personally love this one, hope you do too. Xo

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