A Few Months Later

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It had been 8 months since I last saw Matty. I always feared that if we broke up it would ruin our friendship and I was right, but I needed space from him because I had stressed for years over him and his habits.

I had my own apartment again, and as much as I hate to admit I missed Matty so I'd gotten a cat to keep me company.

My phone rings and I pick up without checking caller id "Hello?"

"Was starting to forget the sound of your voice, petal." A grin takes over my face as I hear the familiar voice.

"Hi Rassy, I miss you." I tell him sincerely.

He replies "I miss you too. I'm calling to ask you out for lunch today actually."

I nod my head but then realise he can't see me "I'd like that."

"I'll come pick you up, be ready for 1 please."

"You find any excuse to just visit the cat" I laugh down the line "I'll be ready."

Soon Ross arrives at my door, picking up my cat as soon as he walks in. She cuddles into his arms and rubs her face against his beard.

"Aren't you the prettiest thing ever, apart from your mum of course." He says to Pluto before winking at me.

"Let's go smooth guy."

We arrive at the restaurant, making our way in and to a table in the back of the restaurant so he wouldn't get as easily recognised.

I still saw the boys occasionally, it was hard because they didn't want to hurt Matty but they didn't want to hurt me either so we'd all see each other separately which sucked.

Ross is who I saw the most, he came by as often as he could. We caught up on the last 2 months of what we had missed in each other's lives whilst we waited for our food.

"I don't really know how to put this but I just thought you should know that Matty's started seeing someone." Ross tells me softly, an almost disappointed expression rested on his face.

I shrug "He was bound too, he needs someone to look out for him." I try not to let it bother me, to be supportive.

"Jamie wants you to come to the office, says he needs to run over some last minute changes with you and the boys also want to see you." He tells me.

Even though Matty and I had broken up, I still got to keep my job at Dirty Hit. I still did all the production and marketing for them along side Sam.

I nod my head "Shall we go there now then?" waving over the waiter for the bill.

Ross looks like he's trying hard not to say something, I look at him "What?"

"Well uh Matty's there right now."

"I'll have to see him at some point. I'm a big girl." I joke.

The two of us are sat in the car outside Dirty Hit, my knee bounces in anxiety continuously before I feel a hand on it. "I'll be right by your side, promise" Ross tells me.

I turn to him "I-it's just how the hell am I meant to face him when he wrote those songs about me. They really fucking hurt Ross."

When I Like It When You Sleep came out, I had a copy delivered to my flat with a note from Matty. Apparently it was named after a poem he had wrote whilst watching me sleep, the songs cutting at my heart strings one by one.

Every time I heard 'Somebody Else' on the radio back in February I couldn't help but get choked up.

Taking a deep breathe I nod my head at Ross and he pats my knee twice before we both get out the car.

The building is bustling with people, fabrics being taken from one station to another, people with clipboards pacing around. Nothing had changed since I last came in here a few months ago.

I spot George first, his unruly hair and tall frame catching my eye. I hear Ross whistle from by my side to get his attention, his eyes find mine and before I know it I'm being spun in circles.

"Ah fuck, it's my Sting. You look so different, how're you?" He says, patting the top of my head like I'm a dog.

"I'm good, you?" I laugh at his action and he puts me back on the floor.

We sit outback of the building, George telling me Hann is coming soon whilst getting out his cigarettes and passing one to me. I decline, instead picking at the nail polish on my nails.

"Bea saying no to a cigarette, I never thought I'd see the day" He says jokingly putting his hand to my forehead "No fever, you're a clone aren't you!"

I shake my head "I decided to quit. I don't want to be addicted anymore, it got so bad when he left. I need a healthier coping mechanism." 

He puts his arm around my shoulder when he sees my sad look "Hey, I'm sorry I've not been around much. Been looking after the dickhead, making sure he doesn't get into trouble."

Almost as if on queue Matty appears from the building, "George have you seen my pho-" he halts in his step when he sees me sat on the side with George.

"Muse." He says softly before shaking his head as if snapping back to reality "I mean Bea, hi uh I didn't expect to see you here."

"Matty." I nod back "I do sort of work here, you won't even know I'm here though."

He smiles sadly "I want to know you're here. Do you think we could talk at some point? Just us two?" I can tell it's a plea as he looks between George and I.

I nod slowly, he goes to turn around "Oh and Matty, your phones in your front pocket."

He looks down and nods to himself "Of course it is."

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