sixty | 60

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I found that gif and edited and it's perfect and my heart.

It's *cry* the final chapter; but there will be an epilogue which'll be up next week, so that will be the complete ending of the book.

Just a fair warning, keep a Kleenex box beside you, and you'll need to sit for it. This is a long ass chapter (the longest yet).

Enjoy my sweet peas! I love you all!

S x




It was the word that described the atmosphere that surrounded us. It was also the word that didn't even coincide with what was actually happening.

Sounds of sirens were heard in the background, officers questioned multiple people about the incident, paramedics showed up to assess and treat our injuries, and a specific growl was unmistakably identifiable — and who was also the main culprit of the night.

It was chaotic, but nothing could compare to the hell that we were placed in for several weeks. Rather, my fiancée was the one who had truthfully held in to protect and keep me safe. It was hard knowing that I was sitting back and relaxing, while I was oblivious that there was an incomplete assignment that was still on the table — one that originally belonged to me. She was picking up my pieces; ones that I didn't even know I'd dropped them.

She was my hero. A fucking warrior always prevails.

As for Steel, well, it still wasn't over for him.

There were many things that weren't known to him. According to Céline, he was oblivious to the fact that she was working for the FBI; and that in a heart beat, some of his main clients had sent in many forms of evidence to his crimes. Of course, they stayed anonymous, so that they wouldn't be caught. They were all now in a type of a gangly war, to see who will now take the top position.

Another thing that Steel wasn't aware of that Karla was an undercover agent — and that she was, in fact, alive for several months. It was the reason why the FBI hadn't infiltrated from the beginning. They were assessing the situation and had their eyes on everything that was happening, but staying hidden in the background temporarily. It was unfortunate, and a major missed mark on their part, for not jumping in when they needed to.

They were completely aware of what was happening, and the fact that there was no one else other than Vince and Mitch who tagged along with him. So the question remained, why hadn't they ambushed at the same time that Steel aimed at me the first time. The arrest could have been simple; no artwork or structure would have been damaged; and no one would end up with bloody body parts and a bullet wound. I was yet to wait on that to be answered.

"So, you're out of words, Maxie boy?" Céline grinned as we walked up to him. The man was standing between two agents, each of them, holding onto one of his arms. His eyes showed off a murderous glare, and would do anything to have already to see blood flow out of our bodies; but we didn't give him that enjoyment — we never would. He squirmed, trying to get out of their grasps, but it was a failed effort.

You're fucking trapped, you bastard.

"Words? Oh I have words for your beloved fiancé here." He sneered, turning to direct his conversation towards me. "You fucking prick, you ruined everything; but you want to know something fun? I killed your wife. I killed your pregnant wife; and guess what? She was my fucking daughter. Why? Because she loved you so much. Love, the shittiest lie to ever exist. I'm sure your bitch of a fiancée hasn't told you about it. She knows all about it."

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