Chapter 20: The Third Beat

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When Jungkook woke up, he saw Jin smiling at him. His eyes started to shed some tears. Tears of happiness and longing for Jin. He quickly get up on his hospital bed to hug Jin. He hugged him so tight like he never want to let go. His heart beat again for the third time. He missed Jin a lot. Jin also started to shed some tears and he hugged Jungkook so tight with his loving arms.

Jungkook: Where were you? *cries
Jin: Stop crying.. I'm here now so you don't have to worry anymore..
Jungkook: I'm sorry Jin.. I'm sorry if I didn't belive on you. If I didn't trust you..
Jin: You don't have to say sorry. It's okay. 
Jungkook: Jin.. I miss you so much..
Jin: I miss you more Jungkook.. I always miss you..

Jungkook removed his hands on Jin's waist. He looked at Jin's face and started smiling a bit. They both wiped each other's tears with their hands. Jin holds Jungkook's face and started kissing Jin. Jungkook closed his eyes to feel Jin's kiss. He's longing for this. He really want to saw Jin's face and kiss his lips.

Jin: how are you feeling now?
Jungkook: I'm okay now. But I need to stay here for one more day.
Jin: I see. Did you ate already?
Jungkook: Not yet. Can you feed me?
Jin: Sure..
Jungkook: Thanks Baby..
Jin: I miss that.. *smiles

Jin started to feed Jungkook..

Jin: You have to eat a lot okay?
Jungkook: You're here already, I will be inspired to do so..
Jin: Good. I will take care of you from now on..
Jungkook: Jin..
Jin: Yes baby..
Jungkook: I promise from now on to believe in you. And whatever happens, I will never let go of you anymore.
Jin: Glad to hear that. 
Jungkook: I'm sorry if I made a mistake having a relationship with V.
Jin: It's okay. I have you now once again. So forget about everything okay?
Jungkook: Okay..

Then suddenly, Jungkook's phone started to ring again..

Jin: You have a call..
Jungkook: It's Jimin. He's been calling me since last night.
Jin: Why?
Jungkook: I don't know..
Jin: Why didn't you answer?
Jungkook: Because I hate him..
Jin: Okay, then let me have it. I'll answer it for you.
Jungkook: But..
Jin: Don't worry.. I can handle him
Jungkook: Okay

Jungkook handed the phone to Jin. Jin answered the call.

/Phone Conversation:

Jimin: Jungkook.. hey..
Jin: This is Jin.. 
Jimin: Oh Jin.. I need to talk to Jungkook..
Jin: Why? He's still sleeping..
Jimin: Oh.. okay, can I just meet you instead? I have something important to tell you..
Jin: Why can't you tell me now..
Jimin: Trust me okay? I need to talk to you or with Jungkook personally..
Jin: How can I trust you.. You and V are making fun of us. You might be planning something again.
Jimin: I'm not with V anymore. He's not the person I used to know anymore. He's completely different.
Jin: hmmm.. Okay. Tell me when and where..
Jimin: Tomorrow morning.. at the school backyard under the big tree..
Jin: Okay, see you then..

*hungs up

Jungkook: You'll be meeting with him?
Jin: Yes..
Jungkook: I don't trust him. He might be planning something..
Jin: Jimin is not like that. He's just blinded by his love with V.
Jungkook: Huh?
Jin: Everything was planned ever since you went into that school. Jimin is so inlove with V. He's too obsessed on him that is why he is doing everything what V wants. 
Jungkook: I can't understand..
Jin: You have to come with me tomorrow. So you will understand.
Jungkook: Okay..


[Jimin's Side]

An hour after the phone call Jimin visited V in his room.

Jimin: V.. are you there?
V: Yes.. why?
Jimin: Can I come in?
V: Sure..

Jimin went inside V's room.

V: What is it?
Jimin: Sweetie.. do you love me?
V: Of course sweetie. I love you so much. You may not see it but i truly love you.
Jimin: Then i want you to stop all of this.. 
V: What? Here we go again..
Jimin: I don't want you to be like this just because you want revenge. I know you're not like this V.
V: You can't change my decision Jimin..
Jimin: Please... for me..
V: You want me to stop all this?
Jimin: Yes..
V: Then kill Jungkook for me..
Jimin: What? Are you crazy?
V: Yes I am. 
Jimin: V, please.. *kneeling down and cried
V: Why are you kneeling on me? Why are you crying? Where is this bad boy the i used to know?
Jimin: I maybe a bad boy but I'm not a criminal. I can be bad and pathetic sometimes. I can be bad just to let you know that I love you so much. But making me a criminal isn't right. We can just leave a peaceful life together you know..
V: If you can't do it, then leave me alone.
Jimin: I guess I can't change your mind anymore..
V: You can't .. so leave..

Jimin left V's room leaving V behind. Jimin look back with tears in his eyes but V is not looking at him even a second. V is just looking on his windows. His eyes also started to shed some tears. He really loved Jimin but his anger is making him stop his feelings for Jimin.


[Hannah's Side]

Hannah: Mom! Mom! *cries
Mrs. Kim: Why? What happened to my daughter?
Hannah: I've been rejected by Namjoon and Suga..
Mrs. Kim: I thought you had a date with Namjoon?
Hannah: Yes, but when we are eating and I told him that If he want's to be my boyfriend, he said NO! I thought he wants to be my boyfriend that is why he asked me to go on that date. But then I found out that he was J-hope's bestfriend and he just wanted to have a revenge on me.
Mrs. Kim: And how about that Suga?
Hannah: He asked me to go on a date awhile ago. And he said he has a crush on me. That is why I asked him to be my boyfriend. But I was confused when he said no. I am fucking pissed right now mom! I want to kill both of them. They're playing with me.
Mrs. Kim: No one can mess with my daughter! We will make them pay.
Hannah: Curse them mom! Curse them!
Mrs. Kim: yes I will.. do you have the things I need.
Hannah: I didn't get a chance to do that. But tomorrow mom. I'll make sure to get it..
Mrs. Kim: okay..


[Suga's Side]

/Phone Conversation with Jin

Hey! What's up?
Oh Suga? I'm with Jungkook now..
Good, anyways. I already did what you want me to do.
Jin: Thanks Suga.. I hope she's pissed now..
Suga: I guess.. I also told Namjoon about it. She'll pay for what she did to our friend J-hope.
Jin: She didn't get some piece of hair from you two right?
Suga: She didn't, thanks to your warning..
Jin: Good.. I'll be going now..
Suga: Yeah.. bye..
Jin: Bye..

CHAPTER 21: Revelations

KYLE: Hi everyone, thanks for your continous support on my story. This story will only have 5 chapters remaining and it will reach the end. I hope you can support my upcoming stories too. Please keep the comments coming. And oh, sorry for the late update. 

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