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A hooded figure stood over the bodies of several legal guild members. Then suddenly without warning he fell to the ground. His bodies convulsing with pain, and contorted with agony. Behind him stood the second in command of the Wandering Coins. "We have a problem," he said into the communications lacrima floating in his outstretched palm.

But just as the guild leaders came to deal with the mess the hooded person teleported away, or more was teleported away. "What did you get out of him," Dream asked her second in command. "Grimshade," Bryan said. "Is something wrong Devin?" Austin asked him. "Michael..." he whispered.

At the dark guild Grimshade...

"The pain ceased as soon as you were out of range..." the girl said. Her eyes were mismatched, one a deep purple and the other a sparkling blue. Half her hair was blond the other half black. She had saved him from being arrested by teleporting him back to the guild. He didn't know her- not really, no one in the guild did. She went were she pleased and no one stopped her. Correction- no one could stop her. "You should go see Michael now, and pray to the gods he is in a merciful mood. The longer you wait the madder he will be," she said casually "Right." He said, shivering. No one, absolutely no one called the guild master by his real name. They weren't aloud to. Well no one except for the twins- but they were a special case.

The hooded man stepped into the guild masters office. The door closing on its own. Leaving the room in almost complete darkness. The only light coming from the big church style window behind the guild masters throne.

"You had them right their but didn't kill them!?" The guild master growled, he was sitting on a throne topped with skulls. "I-I'm sorry sir. The Wandering Coin-" the hooded man stuttered. "Sorry isn't going to cut it, this is your third failure..." with one flick of his wrist the other mans soul was ripped from his body.

"Come out," he said. A girl stepped from the shadows. Her purple eye glittering menacingly in the dim light. "Why are you here?" He asked her. "I go we're I please," she said. "That's not an answer," he replied pointedly. "The legal guilds have started to figure out what's going on. You should be ready..." she said without answering him and with that she disappeared once again.

In the sewers...

Marshie and Jakey slowly and quietly followed the Wandering Coin as he walked through the sewer. He had almost caught them several times but they were determined. A noise made by Bryan startled Jakey, before he realized it was just a sneeze. A sneeze with fire yes, but still a sneeze. "I thought all the pollen was already cleaned out," he grumbled. Marshie wrote down pollen on her observations clipboard under weaknesses and fire under abilities. Everything was going fine until suddenly Bryan stopped and turned, "I know your there." he stated calmly.

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