Chapter 17

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Lena's POV
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the cold morning dew I saw my watch and noticed it was 5:00am "shit" I mumbled I noticed Kara was still sleeping. I Carried her and took her to her room so she could get more peaceful rest.

I gave her a kiss in her forehead and left to go pack my bags for Belgium. Once I got to my dorm I saw Penelope and hope cuddled together in bed and that made me smile. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my clothes and a picture of me with hope and Penelope when we first shared a dorm.

I wrote some letters for my friends and Kara the girl of my life. "Lena are you ready" ask my mom as she entered the dorm. I replied with a simple nod and took my stuff, "wait let me go leave this card for lexa" I said as I stared running because I truly don't care about her answer. I entered lexa's dorm and she was hugging Clarke while Clarke's head was on her chest. I left her the note and left to go see kara one last time, I entered the dorm and she was cuddling with her blanket like a little baby. "Kara I'm so sorry" I whispered as I stared to kneel down next to her bed "I will always love you, my heart will always be for you, wait for me baby girl because I will love you and miss you no matter how far apart we are from each other". I heard my phone ding and it was my mom say to hurry. I rolled my eyes and whipped my tears as I kissed Kara on her forehead I left her a note on her dresser and left.

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