Hop, Hop, Hop

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Arryn woke up with a start. She buried her hands in her face, unable to get the disturbing dream out of her mind.

"Are you all right?" a soft male voice asked.

"I had that dream again." She exhaled. "About the wedding."

"You've been having that dream a lot lately."

She nodded, pushing her tangled red hair back. "I know. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

"I just...I don't want to taint our married life with the twisted past haunting me."

He leaned forward and put his arm around her. "It is just a dream."

She turned her head to him, despite the darkness shrouding his face. "It makes me feel like a terrible person. I wanted to be happy in this miserable world. I wanted something normal. I'm selfish. So many people died...I don't deserve this at all."

"Do you want to hear what I think?"

He leaned in closer to her, his warm body making her feel safe in a world that would never be safe. A smile threatened to break out across her face. "I wouldn't have married you if I didn't want to hear what you think."

"Of course not. The mighty Rabid Slayer needs no one," he teased. "But here's what I think. You feel bad that we're married and you can be a little bit happy. But Arryn? It's okay. It's okay to be happy and it's okay to feel bad. But no one would blame you for being happy."

She nodded. "And you aren't mad about the dream?"

He laughed. "Why would I be mad?"

"Because of what happened?"

That just made him laugh harder. "A kangaroo death! It's awesome. If I had to die, I think I choose Rabid Kangaroo."

"Austin!" She struggled not to laugh. "It was horrible."

"Hop, hop, hop," he teased.

She picked up her pillow and gave him a gentle whack. "Don't make me regret marrying you."

"Well if you're ever sick of me...we can always find a kangaroo." 

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